Published: March 21, 2023

Army ROTC Cadets and Cadre getting ready to start the 2023 Bataan Death March in White Sands Missile Range outside of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Photo courtesy of CPT Chris Head.

Army ROTC Cadets and Cadre getting ready to start the 2023 Bataan Death March in White Sands Missile Range outside of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Photo courtesy of CPT Chris Head.

For the first time in over 3 years, our Cadets were able to travel down to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico to participate (in-person) in the Bataan Memorial Death March. The Bataan March is a 26.2 mile ruck march conducted in honor of those veterans that served in the Pacific theater of World War II.

The course itself is mile after mile of high desert plains along dirt and sand trails. There is a 350-mile elevation gain in the middle of the course. Starting at 1,320 to the highest middle point of 1,650 and then back down again to 1,340.

The gorgeous views as the Cadets and Cadre marched through the New Mexico terrain. Photo courtesy of CPT Chris Head.

The gorgeous views as the Cadets and Cadre marched through the New Mexico terrain. Photo courtesy of CPT Chris Head.

The Golden Buffalo Battalion sent down two teams and 7 individuals to participate in the march. The teams consisted of five members with at least one member being female. The individual Cadets trained throughout the fall semester and then went through a rugged try-out to be selected for an individual or team slot. The teams selected to participate in the “full heavy” category of the march. This means that they carried their full ruck sacks weighing 35 lbs plus water and food for the entire 26.2 miles.

The two teams and individuals who participated this year are as follows:
Team #1, Alpha Company – Benjamin Morehart, Ryan Young, Matthew Nicholas, Nicholas Ferrara and Fin Stuart
Team #2, Charlie Company – Ryan Mattman, Brooke Hawkins, Jess Stanfill, Matthew Ferrante, and Brian Von Buhr
Individuals – Travis Seitz, Ocean Tugaoen, David Morehouse, Daniel Mun, Captain Chris Head, Sergeant First Class Josh White, and Sergeant First Class Jacob Thompson


1.    Cadet David Morehouse (MSI, a freshman at CU-鶹) won the individual age group division in the heavy ruck military competition with a time of 6 hours 30 minutes.
2.    Team #1 from CU-鶹, Alpha Company finished fourth out of around 25 other teams.
3.    Team #2 from Charlie Company were doing well until some injuries happened around mile 18, but they persevered and finished as a team. 
4.    Everyone enjoyed the beautiful New Mexico day and finished the course with joyful enthusiasm.

Great job everyone!!!

AROTC Cadets and Cadre at the finish line. Photo courtesy of CPT Chris Head.

AROTC Cadets and Cadre at the finish line. Photo courtesy of CPT Chris Head.