Dean's Message
Gold Line

What an unprecedented year. No one could have imagined the disruption that COVID-19 would have on our work, our studies and our lives, nor the incomprehensible killing of George Floyd and the rising momentum in movements toward equity and anti-racism. While these events made a deep imprint on all of us, we are actively working to shape a better future, using the insights of our many stakeholders—from our students, faculty and staff to our alumni and business community. We’ve included special sections in this magazine about our responses to both of these events.

This fall, we began opening spaces in our new Rustandy Building, and we are on track for a grand opening in spring 2021. We’ve already seen this collaboration with the College of Engineering and Applied Science in action through new courses, case and entrepreneurship competitions, and the BE Tech Scholars program for undergraduate women, which launched this August. We are in a new era of innovation, and this partnership will play a key role in helping us redefi ne how tomorrow’s leaders will change the world.

I hope you enjoy this new issue of Business at Leeds. We appreciate your engagement and support of our community.

Sharon Signature

—Sharon F. Matusik, PhD
Dean, Leeds School of Business

BAL Dean Sharon Matusik Image

Published: Oct. 1, 2020