News Archives

Close up of a woman's hand holding shopping bags
Why Simple Products Aren’t Always the Best Purchases

June 26, 2024

Consumers often put a premium on simplicity, but that strategy can backfire, according to research by Philip Fernbach.

Person pumps gas into their car
Why Gas Prices Could Spike in Colorado This Summer

June 17, 2024

Global trends and federally mandated reformulated gas are two factors that may push gas prices up.

Scrabble tiles spell out trade
Making Sense of the Strikingly Different Ways Consumers and Economists View Markets

June 10, 2024

People’s economic reasoning tends to be grounded in simplified assumptions, moral intuitions and firsthand marketplace experiences.

Herzberger and Kue on stage at Shark Tank
Leeds Alumnus Slides Into a Deal on Shark Tank

June 5, 2024

The Hype Company wins a $350,000 investment in its custom and licensed slide-on shoes.

A person looks at financial data on a phone
Celebrity-Backed SPACs: Smart Investments or Star-Studded Flops?

May 23, 2024

CU researchers studied why investors buy into “blank check” companies that deliver few disclosures and often lackluster performance.

Students in regalia place their hands over their hearts during the national anthem.
Leeds Graduates Heard it Loud and Clear: The World Awaits Your Impact

May 15, 2024

Nearly 1,500 business graduates crossed the stage at Leeds’ graduation ceremonies. But it wasn’t goodbye.

Joe Constancia smiles while working on a laptop at a counter
Class of 2024 Graduates Jumpstart Their Journeys

May 8, 2024

From chasing childhood dreams to traveling their own academic paths, Leeds 2024 graduates are ready to take on the world.

Jackie Wegner smiles while posing outside of the Koelbel Building
Class of 2024 PhD Candidates Share Their Research and What’s Next

May 7, 2024

Across Leeds, PhD candidates are working on ground-breaking research to create a better understanding of the world of business—here’s where they’re headed next.

Koelbel Building exterior
2024 Teaching and Staff Award Recipients

May 6, 2024

Each year faculty and staff are recognized for their contributions to the Leeds community. Here are this year’s award recipients.

Justin Gold clenches his fist while speaking passionately into a mic
The Guests Who Inspired Us This Spring

May 1, 2024

Industry leaders and alumni from all over the country came to Leeds to share their wisdom and ignite the next generation of business leaders.
