Published: Sept. 18, 2012

"Ready for Democracy? Religion and Political Culture in the Orthodox and Islamic Worlds" Conference

Indiana University Bloomington, Feb. 28 - March 2, 2013 | Deadline: September 15, 2013

The aim of this conference - sponsored by the Russian and East European Institute (REEI) at Indiana University Bloomington - is to examine common assumptions about the limits to democratic practices in societies that are largely Orthodox or Islamic. Within this comparative framework, we aim to move beyond generalities about religion, religious institutions, and politics to consider what specifically might be the relationship between religion and political culture. We invite advanced graduate students and recent PhDs (those who received their degrees in 2009 or after) to submit proposals for this conference. Pending funding, REEI will cover travel and housing expenses for 8-10 selected scholars. They will join a smaller group of senior scholars who have been invited to present their work at the conference. Panel discussions on: the roles that religious institutions, religious movements, and their leaders play in civil society and democratic processes; the ways that religious tradition and beliefs impact ideas about and practices of democracy; the significance of religious rituals in shaping the practices of the public sphere.

Proposals must include: 1) a paper title, 2) an abstract (minimum 300 words), and 3) complete contact information. Submit all proposals to no later than Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012; direct inquiries to Padraic Kenney, Director, REEI, at .


The State in Asia: Power, Citizenship and the Rule of Law

Netherlands, December 12-14, 2012 | Deadline: September 15, 2012

The Leiden research profile area Asian Modernities and Traditions ( AMT ) will host an international conference on the theme of "The State in Asia: Power, Citizenship and the Rule of Law". We welcome papers on formation and functioning of Asia's systems of law and governance, migration and diversity, religious and political movements, corruption, borderlands, insurgency and the formation of new nations, democratization and citizenship.

We particularly encourage papers on any of the four conference themes: Building the state in Asia; Developmental Asian states; Citizenship in Asia; Developing the rule of law in Asia

Please submit your abstract of 750 words and short CV of 350 words via the conference website before 15 September 2012. Full papers selected for participation are due no later than November 1, 2012. Invited and selected papers will be entitled to full travel and accommodation refunding. | Visit the website at 


The State in Asia: Power, Citizenship and the Rule of Law

Netherlands, December 12-14, 2012 | Deadline: September 15, 2012

On December 12-14, 2012 the Leiden research profile area Asian Modernities and Traditions ( AMT ) will host an international conference on the theme of "The State in Asia: Power, Citizenship and the Rule of Law". Deadline abstract submission: 15 September 2012. We welcome papers on formation and functioning of Asia's systems of law  and governance, migration and diversity, religious and political movements, corruption, borderlands, insurgency and the formation of new nations, democratization and citizenship.

We particularly encourage papers on any of the four conference themes:

- Building the state in Asia

- Developmental Asian states

- Citizenship in Asia

- Developing the rule of law in Asia

Please submit your abstract of 750 words and short CV of 350 words via the conference website before 15 September 2012. Full papers selected for participation are due no later than 1 November 2012. Invited and selected papers will be entitled to full travel and accommodation refunding. | Visit the website at 


Panel: Transcultural Encounters in the Eastern Himalayas, Thirteenth Seminar of the International Association of Buddhist Studies

Ulaan Baataar, Mongolia, June 21-27, 2013 | Deadline: September 23, 2012

In connection with the pending start of a new research project ("Kalimpong as a 'Contact Zone'," directed by Prof. Birgit Kellner and Dr. Markus Viehbeck at the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context," University of Heidelberg), we invite proposals for papers for the following panel at the Thirteenth Seminar of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, to be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from July 21-27, 2013.

While cultural exchange is an immanent and continuous element of human societies, there are certain places and conditions that accentuate this element and make it more visible. With the intensification of trade in the wake of the British Younghusband invasion to Tibet in 1904, the border region between Tibet and India in the Eastern Himalayas gained importance as the main transit hub for the exchange of Tibetan and Western commodities. Economic development was accompanied by population growth: the historical mixture of various local ethnic groups was enriched by an influx of traders and the settlement of British Indian colonial officers, Christian missionaries, Tibetan dignitaries, Western Tibetologists and spiritual seekers, etc. This development did not only yield a pathway for the exchange of material goods, but also for the exchange of knowledge between worlds that knew very little about each other. In this panel, we would like to address these encounters with regard to various interconnected key areas, such as trade, religion, politics, media, scholarship, education, etc., and with different methodological and disciplinary approaches.

Please send proposals for papers (half page abstracts) directly to Markus Viehbeck


Request for Workshop Proposals - Inter-Asian Connections IV: Istanbul

Istanbul, Turkey, October 2-5, 2013 | Deadline: October 2, 2012

Inter-Asian Connections IV: Istanbul is the fourth conference in a series, following on conferences held in Dubai in February 2008, Singapore in December 2010, and Hong Kong in June 2012. As with the preceding events, this four-day conference aims to effect a paradigm shift in the study of the Asian expanse, re-conceptualized as a dynamic and interconnected historical, geographical, and cultural formation stretching from the Middle East through Eurasia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, to East Asia. Workshops will have the dual aim of showcasing innovative research from across the social sciences and related disciplines as well as exploring themes that transform conventional understandings of Asia.

The full text of the request for proposals, along with information on the application process and eligibility, can be found on the program's website: ().

For additional inquiries, please contact


3rd Global Conference: Spirituality in the 21st Century

Lisbon, Portugal, March 7 - 9, 2013 | Deadline: October 12, 2012

The contemporary study of spirituality encompasses a wide range of interests. These have come not only from the more traditional areas of religious scholarshiptheology, philosophy of religion, history of religion, comparative religion, mysticismbut also more recently from management, medicine, and many other fields.

This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference seeks to expand the range of ideas, fields, and locales of Spiritual work for the 3rd Global Conference. Perspectives are sought from those engaged in the fields of Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Business, Counseling, Ecology, Education, Healing, History, Management, Mass/Organisational/Speech Communication, Medicine, Nursing, Performance Studies, Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Reconciliation/Refugee/Resettlement Projects, Social Work, and Theatre. These disciplines are indicative only, as papers are welcomed from any area, profession and/or vocation in which Spirituality plays a part.

The Steering Group particularly welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals. Presentations, Papers and performances will be considered on any related theme.

What to send: 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 12th October 2012. All submissions are minimally double blind peer reviewed where appropriate. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 18th January 2013. Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats with the following information and in this order: a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e) body of abstract f) up to 10 key words E-mails should be entitled: S21-3 Abstract Submission.

Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.

Organising Chairs John L. Hochheimer: & Rob Fisher:

For further details of the conference, please visit: 


Women's Manga in Asia: Glocalizing Different Cultures and Identities

University of Sydney, January 23-25, 2013 | Deadline: October 15, 2012

In most cultures, comics have targeted younger male readers. In the case of Japanese manga, however, there are works for almost every generation and life style, and gender boundaries have been falling as well. Furthermore, since the turn of the century, a global manga boom has been underway. This has increasingly meant that mangaartists are no longer limited to being Japanese people, nor does a manga necessarily have to be a Japanese product. Also, the manga boom has seemingly helped ease the challenges confronting female artists, the result being that more girls and women have begun both creating and reading comics/manga worldwide. Thus, it is crucial to explore the relation between women and comics/manga from ever-broader perspectives world wide, globally as well as locally. Our project, "Women and Manga," will begin this exploration, first in Asia, globally and glocally. Women now dominate the realm of fan-created works, and non-Japanese comics for girls and women contribute significantly to the exploration of gender and sexuality, including but not limited to heterosexual femininity. It seems likely that manga played a role in guiding many women to enter the world of comics as creators as well as readers. Moreover, it should be noted that there even greater potentials for comics as a cultural arena to be explored and examined in relation to women, who have not often been regarded as the main participants in the world of comics.

Please submit abstracts of 200 words for proposed 15-minute papers by email to Rebecca Suter <> or Fusami Ogi <> no later than October 15, 2012. Abstracts should be in English and include a title, your name, affiliation, and contact details (mailing address, email) and a brief description of your paper (200-250 words). We will begin reviewing abstract submissions immediately after the deadline.


2013 Bangkok International Conference on Social Science

Bangkok, Thailand, January 25-27, 2013 | Deadline: October 15, 2012

2013 Bangkok International Conference on Social Science - BICSS 2013 is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Social Science. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.


Global Perspectives: Islam, Spiritualism and Radicalism

Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 22-24, 2012 | Deadline: October 15, 2012

Global Perspectives: Islam, Spiritualism and Radicalism and invites scholars, authors and researchers whose expertise will shed new light on various themes, to include on Islam and Spiritualism, Radicalism in Global Perspectives, Religion and Gender Issues, Religion and Multiculturalism, Indonesian Islamic Higher Education in the Making of Indonesian Islam, Religion and Minorities, Religion and Science, Neuroscience and Spirituality, Religion and Contemporary Issues, Islamic Educational Institutions, and Islamic Philanthropy. For registration for participation, presentation and exhibition please visit 


2013 Conable Conference in International Studies: Gender, Violence, and Justice in the Age of Globalization

Rochester, New York, April 4-6, 2013 | Deadline: October 15, 2012

The theme for the 2013 conference is Gender, Violence, and Justice in the Age of Globalization. Over the past several decades, tremendous strides have been made toward ending gender-based violence and advancing a spectrum of goals broadly envisioned as promoting gender equality throughout the globe and particularly in developing countries as communities have harnessed aspects of globalization to enhance communications, technology, collaboration, travel, and capacity-building. Gender-based violence (GBV) has been contested locally, regionally, and globally. Grassroots activists have transformed local and national attitudes by provoking rigorous dialogue. International conventions and treaties provide the promise of increased protections for women, children, sexual and gender identity minorities, and individuals with disabilities. And as international protocols infiltrate domestic law, global protections are providing new opportunities for women, men, and children seeking to safeguard their bodies and seek justice for crimes perpetrated. At the same time, however, significant obstacles impede accountability and attitudinal change. In many nations, impunity from prosecution emboldens government agents, quasi-government militias, and private individuals. Ignorance of the laws or a cultural reluctance to seek redress via the law impedes progress in many nations. Some states stridently resist globalized pressures to domesticate international treaties and conventions, citing cultural, religious, and social arguments against global gender-based ideologies. And grassroots gender violence campaigners are increasingly wary of the cultural imperialism accompanying many ideological orientations, ranging from Marxist feminism and sexual liberation to neo-liberal dogma and academic chauvinism.

Abstracts of no more than 300 words clearly identifying the argument, method of delivery, evidentiary basis or analytical framework, and site of research, study, or project, accompanied by a two-page CV identifying the proposer(s) by name, affiliation, address, and email, should be sent directly to Benjamin Lawrance, Conable Chair in International Studies [BNL@RIT.EDU] by October 15, 2012. Decisions will be made in the fall semester and proposals selected will be announced by email and on the Conable Conference website. All participants are required to register online and pay the registration fee as confirmation prior to the publication of the final program.


Islam, Political Islam, and Islamophobia: An International Conference

Indiana University, March 29-30, 2013 | Deadline: November 1, 2012

Muslims representing all strata of society throughout the world face an extraordinary degree of negative attention from both public and government eyes often resulting in discriminatory practices. These practices, born of stereotypical descriptions and definitions of Islam and Muslims, are connotative of the level of fear and hatred in many parts of the world when topics concerning this religion and its adherents arise. The upcoming conference will attempt to clarify this phenomenon by examining intersections between Islam, political Islam, Islamophobia, and human rights. How does Islamophobia resemble other forms of social prejudice, and in what ways does it differ? What is the political function of Islamophobia? To what degree and in what ways is Islamophobia fed by the actions of political Islam? To what degree does the politicization of Islam exacerbate the victimization of Muslims? To what degree do the militant operations of political Islam serve as an excuse for those who intend to legitimize and institutionalize prejudice against Muslims? To what degree is prejudice a result of ignorance or lack of understanding of Islam and its followers? This conference invites all scholars of relevant disciplines for an in-depth theoretical, analytical, conceptual, and historical examination of Islamophobia.

Brief proposals (approximately 250 words) along with CVs should be sent to:


International Association of Asian Studies National Conference

Baton Rough, Louisiana, February 11 - 16, 2013 | Deadline: November 9, 2012

This is a national conference that hosts scholars from across the U.S. and several foreign countries to present diverse research related to Asian and Asian Americans. Topics will include, but are not limited to, health issues, family, education, military, social challenges, business, literature, religion, and more. Presentations are made in the format of full paper presentations, seminars, round table discussions, demonstration, and poster presentations. Abstracts not to exceed two (2) pages should be submitted by November 9, 2012 to NAAAS & Affiliates, PO Box 6670, Scarborough, Maine 04070 or via fax (207) 839-3776. Email


New Media and Cultural Transformation: Film, Television, Game, and Digital Communication

International Conference Center, Shanghai University, December 7-9, 2012 | Deadline: November 11, 2012

Over the past two decades, the computer and Internet-based new digital media have profoundly changed our conception of cinema, television, and communication, and led to the emergence of many new forms of artistic, social and self expressions. Consequently, new terms like “transmedia,” “convergence media,” “participatory culture,” “self mass communication,” “interactivity,” “e-cinema,” and “digitextuality” have been frequently evoked to describe and theorize this cultural transformation. While it is tempting to regard this as implying a revolutionary or “paradigm” shift in artistic/cinematic expressions and media practices, it is also of vital importance to recognize the fact that more traditional models associated with “old” media remain relevant in our everyday life. To address the significant changes to contemporary culture that are taking place under the rubric of new media, therefore, is to view the current moment as a critical juncture where almost every familiar medium is being “re-invented” and “re-mediated,” but at the same time to respect the historical roots from which digital art and media emerged.

Submissions should be made electronically via e-mail. Submissions will be acknowledged within 48 hours. Submissions shall imply that at least one author will register for the conference and be present at the time designated in the conference program. Submissions must be received by Nov. 11 (Sunday), 2012.  E-Mail submissions to: Prof. Shaoyi Sun, School of Film & TV, Shanghai University, P.O. Box 308, 149 Yan Chang Road, Shanghai 200072, China, Be sure to include the following information in your submission: title of the submission, name (s) of the author (s); two or three keywords that describe the submission; mailing address (es) and e-mail address(es); corresponding author if different than lead author.


Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference

Seoul, Korea, February 14-16, 2013 | Deadline: November 30, 2012

Papers and proposals for sessions are invited for the APEBH 2013 conference. The main theme is 'Markets, Institutions and People in Economic Drisis and Recovery', but the organisers are open to proposals for contributions on other topics in economic, social, and business history, as well as proposals for sessions on particular themes. Researchers across a broad range of disciplines are warmly welcomed. Early career researchers are encouraged to participate. The conference organisers are particularly interested in attracting papers that examine developments in countries and areas in the Asia-Pacific region and papers that provide an international comparative perspective.

Paper abstracts of one page may be submitted at any time up to the closing date of November 30, 2012. A decision on proposals will be made within a month of submission. Session proposals of one page may be submitted up to the same date, outlining the main objectives of the session and potential participants. You are not obliged to submit your full paper for refereeing. Complete versions of accepted papers should be sent to us by February 4, 2013 for posting on the conference website.

ALL ABSTRACTS, PROPOSALS FOR SESSIONS, AND PAPERS FOR REFEREEING OR POSTING ON THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE SHOULD BE EMAILED TO ALL FOUR MEMBERS OF THE PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Professor Chulhee Lee, Seoul National University, Dr Duol | Kim, Korea Development Institute, A/Professor Lionel | Frost, Monash University, Dr Keir Reeves | Monash University,

For more information, visit the conference website: 


"Connectedness and Alienation: The 21st Century Enigma" Ethics, Religion & Philosophy

Osaka, Japan, March 28-31, 2013 | Deadline: December 1, 2012

Being connected through social networking sites has become an accepted form of communication in today's digitalized world. People can spend hours a day talking on mobile phones, on Skype, or on the Internet, which gives the impression that we are a more connected world than ever before. And communication is lauded. Because of the massive information flow we can call ourselves perhaps the most connected age in history. But is this connectedness, however, real or illusory? A raft of serious existential issues arises out of this. What impact does this have on the self whose identity in the time/space continuum, in the rapidly changing environment, and in these manufactured structures, depends for its development on interaction with perceived reality? What becomes the definition of the human? And what of the awareness of the transcendent in the human spirit from which ethics and aesthetics depend for their existence ? Far from being questions of the present moment, these are parameters that will dominate the central problem of human self-understanding as we progress further into the uncharted waters of a highly uncertain future.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by the deadline of December 1 2012.

All abstracts will be blind reviewed by a voluntary team, and authors will usually be notified of the decision of the reviewers within two weeks of submission. Those who submit near the December 1 deadline will normally receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by December 15 2012.

All accepted authors may have their full paper published in the online conference proceedings. Full text submission is due by May 1 2013. The deadline for full conference payment for all presenters is March 1 2013.

Kiyoshi Mana, | Visit the website at 


(Re)Constructions: Researching and Rethinking Asia

York University, Glendon Campus, Toronto, Canada, April 26 - 27, 2013 | Deadline: December 1, 2012

How does scholarship of or about "Asia" contribute to dispelling geographies of ignorance?* How can our own work better contribute to understanding, and pointing out the /mis/understandings, of the categories, spaces and frameworks constructed as part of Asian Studies within and beyond the territorial limits of "Asia"? The question of reconstructing the conceptual frameworks for research in Asia and Asian Diaspora has been actively debated in the last few decades, reflecting dynamic changes in both scholars' and broader society's notions of "Asia." These discussions pay critical attention to the modern politics of constructing Asian spaces and identities, and of disseminating knowledge of the area throughout the world. The disciplinary divides traditionally associated with Area Studies are also being contested, and more interdisciplinary approaches are being demanded for researching Asia.Taking up this challenge, the conference seeks graduate student research that can speak to ways of rethinking the epistemologies and methodologies of researching Asia, and reconstructing conventional categories and frameworks from a broad range of disciplines. The theme for this conference seeks to build upon the successful YCAR Graduate Student Conference in 2008.

Interested participants should submit a paper title, abstract with keywords (250 words maximum) along with brief biographical information (name, affiliation, stage of graduate study) by December 1, 2012. Successful candidates will be contacted by January 15, 2013 and must submit completed papers by March 25, 2013. Please email submissions to the conference organizers at:


Beyond Integration: Reflections on Asian Medicines in the 21st Century

Changwon, Gyeongsangnamdo, South Korea, September 9-13, 2013 | Deadline: January 31, 2013

The International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine (IASTAM) will hold its Eighth International Congress of Traditional Asian Medicine in the Changwon Convention Exhibition Centre, Changwon, Gyeongsangnamdo, South Korea from September 9-13, 2013. The theme for the Eighth Congress will be 'Beyond Integration: Reflections on Asian Medicines in the 21st Century.' The sub-themes of the Congress will be 'Canonisation and Textual Authority,' 'The Mainstreaming of Asian Medicine,' 'Spirits,' 'Efficacy and Effectiveness,' 'Networks and Systems' and 'Asian Medicines in Global Health and Development.' The Congress will provide a forum for the latest scholarship in Asian Medicine. The International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine (IASTAM) is the world's foremost community of scholars and practitioners devoted to understanding the history and contemporary practice of Asian medicines in all its many forms. IASTAM membership is made up of academics and clinicians, pharmacologists and epidemiologists, and many other stakeholders caring for the past, present and future of Asian medicines. IASTAM is also known for putting on the most exciting events and conferences in the field. Please join us for this exciting event in Korea that will feature many of the leading scholars and practitioners in the field of Asian Medicines.

The congress details may be found on the website of IASTAM . As information comes to hand this page will be updated. Registration facilities will be made available there with a full description of the congress accommodation options, cultural activities, tentative schedule and a list of the presenters of papers.