Cortland Pierpont headshot
Professor Emeritus


Ph.D.:Brown University, 1971

Areas of Expertise

Bioinorganic Chemistry, Photochemical Reactions & Multi-electron Chemistry, Transition Metal Catalysis, Renewable Energy

Awards and Honors

International Center for Advanced Studies Fellowship (Russia), 1997
STINT Visiting Scientist/Scholar Fellowship (Sweden) 1997
TMU Fellowship (Japan) 1996
Swedish Natural Science Research Council Fellowship, 1994
National Academy of Sciences Fellowship, 1990

C. G. Pierpont, S. Kitagawa, “Valence Tautomerism of Metal Complexes”. InInorganic Chromotropism: Basic Concepts and Applications of Colored Materials, Ed. Y. Fukuda; Elsevier, Tokyo,2007, pp. 116 - 142.

D. N. Hendrickson, C. G. Pierpont, “Valence Tautomeric Transition Metal Complexes”. InTopics in Current Chemistry, Vol. 234, Eds. P. Gütlich, H. A. Goodwin; Springer-Verlag, Berlin,2004, pp. 63-95.

C. G. Pierpont, “Bending Crystals. Solid State Photomechanical Properties of Transition Metal Complexes Containing Semiquinonate Ligands”Proc. Indian Acad. Sci (Chem. Sci.), 114, 247-254 (2002).

C. G. Pierpont, “Studies on Charge Distribution and Valence Tautomerism in Transition Metal Complexes of Catecholate and Semiquinonate Ligands”,Coord. Chem. Rev.,216-217,99-125 (2001).

C. G. Pierpont, A. S. Attia, “Spin Coupling Interactions in Transition Metal Complexes Containing Radical o-Semiquinone Ligands. A Review”,Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.,66, 33-51 (2001).

C. G. Pierpont, “Unique Properties of Transition Metal Quinone Complexes of the MQ3 Series”,Coord. Chem. Rev.,219-221, 415-433 (2001).

C. G. Pierpont, C. W. Lange "The Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes Containing Catechol and Semiquinone Ligands"Prog. Inorg. Chem.,41, 381-492 (1994).