Published: Aug. 12, 2019

Replicating the spring and summer 2019 semesters, students withFlexibility with Attendance and Assignment Deadlines accommodationswill no longer be asked to meet 1:1 with faculty for the Impact Letter; rather, faculty will receive an email directly from Disability Services with instructions and a CU Google Form link to the new Flex Plan document. Faculty will be asked to complete and submit this plan/form back to Disability Services within five (5) business days. The five business day timeline allows Disability Services to engage in a “timely” review and implementation of University approved accommodations with the faculty member or the department and, while it takes additional time for faculty and Disability Services to complete, it ensures that the University is engaging in the interactive process (required under the Americans with Disabilities Act) for accommodation implementation for the betterment of the student.

Spring 2019 and summer 2019 served as pilot semesters for this new process. These changes are important from a university compliance perspective as they reflect current case law from the Office of Civil Rights regarding Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and evolving best practices for student access surrounding disabilities. In addition, we believe the new process will address the concerns that both students and faculty have had with the subjectivity of the former Impact Letter document you may have received in the past.This new process for the Flex Plan will not affect the Accommodation Letter process, and students will still be required to meet with you 1:1 to discuss traditional accommodation(e.g., extra time on tests and quizzes, distraction reduced environment for tests and quizzes, etc.)implementation beyond attendance and other related issues.

Disability Services is hosting the below one-hour Flex Plan information sessions for faculty infall 2019. All information sessions will be held in the Center for Community (C4C) building. Please RSVP by emailing dsflex@colorado.eduif you plan to attend any of the following sessions. Can’t make a session? Let us know and we’d be happy to meet with you 1:1.

August Sessions September Sessions
  • August 12: 10-11am,C4C – S350
  • August 13: 2-3pm, C4C – N215
  • August 14: 11am-12pm,C4C – S435
  • August 15: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • August 16: 9-10am, C4C – S435
  • August 19: 9-10am,C4C – N215
  • August 21: 11am-12pm, C4C – S435
  • August 21: 1-2pm, C4C – N215
  • August 22: 2-3pm, C4C – N215
  • August 22: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • August 23: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • August 23: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • August 26: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • August 26: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • August 27: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • August 27: 1-2pm, C4C – N215
  • August 28: 1-2pm, C4C – N215
  • August 29: 2-3pm, C4C – N215
  • August 29: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • August 30: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • August 30: 2-3pm, C4C – N215
  • September 3: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • September 3: 2-3pm, C4C – N215
  • September 4: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • September 4: 1-2pm, C4C – N215
  • September 5: 10-11am, C4C – N215
  • September 5: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • September 6: 8-9am, C4C – N215
  • September 6: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • September 9: 9-10am, C4C – S350
  • September 9: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • September 10: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • September 10: 1-2pm, C4C – N215
  • September 11: 1-2pm, C4C – N215
  • September 11: 4-5pm, C4C – N215
  • September 12: 1-2pm, C4C – N215
  • September 12: 2-3pm, C4C – N215
  • September 13: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • September 13: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • September 16: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • September 17: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • September 18: 9-10am, C4C – N215
  • September 19: 3-4pm, C4C – N215
  • September 20: 3-4pm, C4C – N215