Brief Announcements

  • Engineering Advisory Council meeting on 4/22/2016
  • Engineering Awards Banquet on 4/22/2016
  • Faculty/Staff Recognition Celebration, 5/4/2016, 3:45 pm
  • Engineering Recognition Ceremony on 5/6/2016, 9:00 am

Fundraising Structure and Plans

Anne Shoup summarized the fundraising structure of the Engineering Advancement Team, which is a blend of discipline and geography assignments (attached). One advancement officer, who will be the liaison for CS, is still being sought. So far this fiscal year, the team has raised over $10 million in gifts, pledges and bequests, with a couple of large asks outstanding.

MS in Computational Linguistics

Jim Martin summarized this proposed new degree, which would be offered jointly by Computer Science and Linguistics. It was endorsed by the Administrative Council and will be considered by the Regents in the near future.

Summer Session Update

Doug Smith noted that our college will be offering more summer courses than in the past, but there are still several core courses missing – especially in CEAE. It is not too late to add courses, and departments are urged to consider advanced graduate students and postdocs who are interested in faculty careers.

Space Planning Updates

Departmentally scheduled classrooms are under scrutiny by campus, as on average they have lower usage rates than centrally scheduled classrooms. In anticipation of a new campus policy, the college will develop a priority scheduling process for these classrooms. We will need to block out some times in these classrooms for faculty meetings, special seminars, and dissertation defenses, for which there is not sufficient conference room space. The DLC reservation policy will also be revisited. Rob noted that offices will be very tight this coming fall, while the former ChE wing is under renovation. It is estimated that we will need about 20 additional offices for faculty and staff, and a request has been made to campus for temporary space. The working group to make recommendations for allocation of the space being renovated has begun to meet.

Grad Fellowships and Assistantships

Keith Molenaar noted that graduate assistantships and fellowships for incoming PhD students are being awarded. If any department or program used these awards as cost-sharing or startup commitments, it needs to make sure that the commitments are met as part of its allocation.

In Attendance

Rob Davis, Sarah Miller, JoAnn Zelasko, Anne Shoup, Keith Molenaar, Doug Smith, Ken Anderson, Dave Klaus, Balaji Rajagopalan, Jim Martin, Garret Moddel, Mike Hannigan, Mark Gross