Brief Announcements

  • Engineering Awards Banquet, 6 pm on 4/25/2014 in the Stadium Club
  • College Faculty/Staff Meeting and Reception, 3:30 pm on 5/7/2014 in the DLC
  • Engineering Recognition Ceremony, 1:15 pm on 5/8/2014 in Coors
  • Admin Council Meeting on 4/28/2014 will include directors and selected staff

Update on Faculty Searches

Started with 18 openings, have made 22 offers, with 3 yes, 4 no, and 15 pending

Faculty Evaluations and Raises

Good job in ratings by departments and programs; less than 10% recommended for changes, with slightly more increased than decreased. 3% total raise pool approved by Regents, but there may be a small skim at the campus level.

Updates on Facilities

  • Renovation Projects: Small number submitted, but good proposals
  • Idea Forge: Firm selected, will know completion schedule by mid-May
  • Biotechnology Building: Teaching space to be completed by late Fall 2014
  • Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex (SEEC): Offices to be completed late 2014, labs late 2015
  • RFP for Shared Research Facilities; 2nd round of requests due May 8, 50% cost share first 6 mo for new ones

Energy and Bioengineering Minors

A task force for the Energy Minor recommended 6 courses (foundation, policy, 3 electives, project). Now working on implementation plan, and a director will be needed. Rob will request faculty representatives to serve on a Bioengineering Minor taskforce and launch it this summer.

Engineering Advisory Council Meeting on 4/25/2014

Attendance by chairs encouraged for at least part of meeting; there will be foci on grad programs, ECEE, strategic plan, and branding.

Student Recruitment and Enrollment Outlook

We have had 31% more undergraduate applications for our college this year than last year, with 21% more offers of admissions and 5% more confirmations than the same time last year. Applications are up due to the switch to the common application, and yield rates are expected to be down due to this switch and the improved economy. We do not have data from campus on graduate applications, but most departments and programs are expecting about the same or slightly more new graduate students this year compared to last year.

Strategic Plan and Messaging

The refreshed strategic plan has been printed and distributed to faculty, staff, campus leaders, advisory council members, top donors, and US engineering deans. Next steps will include new buildings and renovations of the Engineering Center, increased branding and messaging, and new buildings and renovated facilities.

Other Announcements

JoAnn reported that restroom swaps are being made on two floors of the office tower, to provide for the relative increase in women in our college. Doug reported that summer session enrollments are up, and that an “Augmester” is being planned for 2015. Rob noted that a reorganization is underway for CAETE, so that its staff report to our college, providing closer ties with curriculum and faculty and use of online technologies is becoming more prevalent.