
Course Syllabus


January 17: Course Overview and Introduction - Introduction to Systems Thinking
Course structure, syllabus review, reading assignments, projects and mentoring, grading,
expectations (students and faculty)

January 19: ÌýA Systems View of the World (1)
Looking at the world as a system of systems;Ìýsystems science and complexity science;Ìý
system thinking;Ìýmethods of decision making;Ìýsimple, complicated, and complex systems
HW Assignment:
Ìý ÌýÌýÌý Ìý Ìý- Study:ÌýHabits # 1Ìýin Habits Course from theÌýÌý

January 24: ÌýA Systems View of the World (2)
Looking at the world as a system of systems;Ìýsystems science and complexity science;Ìý
system thinking;Ìýmethods of decision making;Ìýsimple, complicated, and complex systems
HW Assignment:Ìý
ÌýÌýÌýÌý - Read Chapters 1 and 2 in the book by E. Laszlo (distributed in class on Jan 19)
ÌýÌýÌýÌý -ÌýRead:ÌýÌý,ÌýÌý
ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý-ÌýStudy:ÌýHabits # 2Ìýin Habits Course from theÌýÌý

January 26: Introduction to System Dynamics (1)
Components of system dynamics; system dynamics modeling; STELLA Architect software
HW Assignment:
ÌýÌýÌýÌý - Purchase the 6-month STELLA Architect v.8.x and upload it on your own computer.
ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýto purchase. A perpetual student license is also available.
Ìý Ìý ÌýÌý You will need to open an account on theÌýwebsite
ÌýÌýÌýÌý - Read "" by D. Snowden and M. Boone (2007)
Ìý Ìý Ìý- Study:ÌýHabits # 3Ìýin Habits Course from theÌýÌý

January 31: Introduction to System Dynamics (2)
Components of system dynamics; system dynamics modeling; STELLA Architect software
HW Assignment
ÌýÌýÌýÌý - Start studying on your own theÌýon the ISEEÌýsystemsÌýwebsite.
Ìý Ìý Ìý- Study:ÌýHabits # 4Ìýin Habits Course from theÌýÌýÌý
Ìý ÌýÌý - Read pp. 14-27 in my book (sections 5.3.1-5.4.3)


February 2: Introduction to System Dynamics (3)
Components of system dynamics; system dynamics modeling; STELLA Architect software
HW Assignment
Ìý ÌýÌýÌý-Ìý Browse through "" by B. Richmond (2004)
ÌýÌýÌýÌý -Ìý Study sÌý(Tutorials 1-4) on the ISEEÌýsystems website
Ìý ÌýÌýÌý-ÌýÌýby D. Meadows.ÌýBe ready to
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý present examplesÌýof leverage points in class.Ìý
Ìý Ìý Ìý-ÌýStudy:ÌýÌýfrom theÌýÌý

February 7: Introduction to System Dynamics (4)
Components of system dynamics; system dynamics modeling; STELLA Architect software
Reading and HW Assignment
Ìý Ìý -ÌýÌýBrowse through "" by B. Richmond (2004)
Ìý Ìý -Ìý StudyÌýsÌý(Tutorials 1-6)Ìýon the ISEEÌýsystems website
Ìý Ìý -ÌýÌýStudy:ÌýÌýÌýfrom theÌýÌýÌý Ìý

February 9: Introduction to System Dynamics (5)
Bass diffusion model of epidemics
ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý-ÌýStudy:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
HW: Create an SD model of acceleration, speed, and position for the following two cases:
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý (i) An objectÌýis launched in the vertical direction at aÌýheight Ho with a velocityÌýVo.
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Model the vertical trajectory of the object using STELLA. GravityÌýeffect only.Ìý
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý(ii) Consider the trajectory of the object in an x-y plane. Model the trajectory assuming theÌý
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý object starts at the origin with initial velocities Vox and Voy. Gravity only.Ìý
Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýChoose input data that best illustrate the models.
Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýTurn in copies (hard or online)Ìýof the models and graphs.Ìý

February 14: The Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus (1)
Nexus components and representations
Study:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
Reading Assignment:Ìý(Hoff, 2011)
HW: Complete the transmission model developed in class on Feb 9 and include aÌý
relapsing population thatÌýreturns to the susceptible pool.Ìý

February 16:ÌýThe Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus (2)
Study:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
HWÌýAssignment:ÌýWatch the video "The Water of Ayole" atÌý
As you watch the video, answer a series ofÌýquestionsÌý(due on Feb 28)

February 21:ÌýThe Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus (3)
SD Modeling of the nexus (the WELF modules)
Study:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
Reading assignment: TheÌý

February 23:ÌýThe Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus (4)
SD Modeling of the nexus (the WELF modules)
Study:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
Reading assignment: TheÌý
HW due: Complete the first version of the population chain SD model started in class

February 28:ÌýThe Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus (5)
Interface in STELLA
Study:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
HWÌýdue:ÌýAnalyzing the components of a case study and modeling.
Watch the video "The Water of Ayole" atÌý
As you watch the video, answer a series ofÌýquestionsÌýdistributed in class on Feb 14.Ìý


March 2:ÌýThe Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus (6)
S-shaped, Global seeking models, Architect interface.
Study:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
The Pardee RAND FEW Security Model (see section 6.5 inÌýmy book)
Finish reading theÌý
- One-page write-up describing your term group project
- 5 x 5Ìýdouble causality WELF-Climate changeÌýmatrix (detailed version)

March 7:ÌýModelingÌýhuman system archetypes (see section 5.4.4 in my book)
The Architect interface, "GrowthÌýand collapse" model
The WELF-climate change model
Study:ÌýÌý from theÌýÌý
Study:Ìýfrom theÌýÌý

March 9:ÌýModelingÌýhuman system archetypes (see section 5.4.4 in my book)
Read "" by Braun (2002).Ìý
Study:Ìýfrom theÌýÌý
Overshoot and collapse generic structure.Ìý
Zoom book exercise
HW Due:ÌýImprove the Pardee RAND model discussed in class on Feb. 23. Your model
must include (i) theÌýeffect of climate change;Ìý(ii)Ìýa simple sensitivityÌýanalysis
showing the variation of the FEW index for theÌýfollowing values of the basicÌýrates of water,
energy, and food: 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, and 0.1; and (iii) an interface with web link.Ìý

March 14:ÌýSystem Dynamics Modeling and Nexus Models- Archetypes
(Chapter 6 and section 5.4.4 in my book)
The WELF-climate change modelÌý(pp. 85-118 in my book)
Read "" by Braun (2002).Ìý
Study:Ìýfrom theÌýÌý

March 16:ÌýCollecting and Analyzing Data for System Dynamics Modeling
PAR methods of primary and secondary data collection and analysis.
Integration of data analysis in individual and group decision system modeling.
The WELF-climate change modelÌý(pp. 85-118 in my book)
Read "" by Braun (2002).Ìý
Study:Ìýfrom theÌýÌý
HW Due: Zoom book exercise. Answer questions.Ìý

March 21: Systems Approach to Management of Development Projects
Project Design and Planning
ICRISAT HW due on April 4
Study:ÌýÌýfrom theÌýÌý
Explore: The WELF-climate changeÌýmodel (pp. 85-118 in my book)

March 23:ÌýCapacity assessment and development - The UVC approach to
Municipal Sanitation Systems (MSS)
Study:Ìýfrom theÌýÌý

March 28Ìýand 30: No classes - Spring break


April 4: Systems Approach to Management of Development Projects
Capacity assessment and development - The UVC approach to
Municipal Sanitation Systems (MSS)
Study:Ìýfrom theÌýÌý
Readand complete theÌýHW assignmentÌý(distributed on March 21)
HW: CreateÌýa stock and flow diagram illustrating the tragedy of the commons

April 6:ÌýTerm projects progress evaluation
Presentation of version 1.0 of term projects

April 11:ÌýSystems Approach to Management of Development Projects
Capacity assessment and development - The UVC approach to
Municipal Sanitation Systems (MSS)
Start reading theÌýMartina Bustos Case StudyÌý

April 13ÌýSustainability and Sustainable Development (1)
Human footprint; Definitions of sustainability: A systems approach to sustainability
Reading assignment:
Ìý Ìý -Ìýaccording to M. Ben-Eli (2011)
Ìý Ìý -Ìý, M. Ben-Eli (2012)
HW Assignment
Ìý Ìý -ÌýTake theÌýand submit results to the instructor

April 18:ÌýSustainability and Sustainable Development (2)
Integrating sustainability in engineering projects (The Envision Framework)
HW Assignment:
Ìý Ìý - Read theÌýMartina Bustos Case StudyÌý
Ìý ÌýÌý - TheÌý. Browse through thisÌý. ÌýÌý

April 20: Term projects review

April 25:ÌýAgent-Based Modeling (ABM)
HWÌýAssignment: Martina Bustos Case Study. Questions distributed on April 13

April 27:Ìý
Case study reports are due no later than April 27

May 2.ÌýFinal presentations (Part 1)

May 4:ÌýFinal presentations (Part 2)Ìý

May 6:ÌýFinal exam period (7:30-10:00), if neededÌý

