Early Career Workshop for new faculty and advanced doctoral students, 13-19 June 2010, 鶹 CO

Feb. 1, 2010

Registration has begun for the 2010 Workshop of the Geography Faculty Development Alliance (GFDA). It will be held 13-19 at the University of Colorado at 鶹. Registration is available through the website of the Association of American Geographers. A minimum of 25 participants are needed to meet the costs of...

Mark Williams Receives National Science Foundation GEO Grant

Jan. 1, 2010

Mark Williams receives National Science Foundation GEO grant: Developing a Methodology to Estimate Snow Depth from GPS Data; $380,051; 1/1/10- 12/31/12

Michelle Stewart receives Research Associate Award University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jan. 1, 2010

Michelle Stewart receives Research Associate Award University of Wisconsin-Madison NSF IGERT Training Program on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Southwest China: The faces of “gold”: Towards greater understanding of the ecological and social aspects of Tibetan harvesting of Cordyceps sinensis in NW Yunnan: (PI) $3000

Natalie Koch was awarded an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

Jan. 1, 2010

CU-鶹 Contingent Set for Copenhagen Climate Conference

Nov. 30, 2009

A contingent from the University of Colorado at 鶹 will be attending the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen December 7 to 18. Known as the 15th Conference of the Parties, or COP 15, the international climate conference will include representatives of 192 countries. The U.N. is seeking an agreement...

Arctic Sea Ice Recovers Slightly in 2009, Remains on Downward Trend, Says CU Study

Oct. 6, 2009

Despite a slight recovery in summer Arctic sea ice in 2009 from record-setting low years in 2007 and 2008, the sea ice extent remains significantly below previous years and remains on a trend leading toward ice-free Arctic summers, according to the University of Colorado at 鶹's National Snow and Ice...

Mark Williams receives National Science Foundation CMG Grant

Sept. 1, 2009

Mark Williams receives National Science Foundation CMG Grant: "Multiscale nonlinear domain decomposition method for modeling the impact of climate change on groundwater resources"; $564,704; 9/1/09-8/31/12

Monica T. Rother receives funding from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Sept. 1, 2009

Monica T. Rother receives funding from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Adriane Kropesch Receives CU Chancellor’s Fellowship

Aug. 17, 2009

Graduate student Adrianne Kropesch receives CU Chancellor's Fellowship, Fall 2009 to Spring 2011.

Mark Parsons awarded the Charles S. Falkenberd Award by AGU/ESIP

July 1, 2009

The Charles S. Falkenberg Award was established in 2002 and is presented jointly by AGU and the Earth Science Information Partnership (ESIP). The award is for a scientist under 45 years of age who has contributed to the quality of life, economic opportunities and stewardship of the planet through the...
