Best Practices for Setting up a Defense using Doodle Poll

Look up times your committee members teach on (you can search by faculty member’s name). GSLL has meetings on Wed from 4-6, so don't include that time in your Doodle poll (starting in fall 2023, meetings will be 1:25-2:15 W in fall and 1:25-3:20 W in spring). Find times each day (M-F) that all committee members are available (and don't have classes) - don't forget to include your teaching and course schedule.

Give faculty members options (all days/times everyone is available) for two weeks. If there is a limited amount of time all committee members are available in one day, you may want to include options on the 1/2 hour as well (e.g. 9-10, 9:30-10:30, 10-11).

Go to:

Click on "Create a Doodle." Enter title, and select "Continue." Select “month” (just above the calendar). Select all possible dates, and then click on "Add Times" and then click on "Need Different Times for Each Day?" Enter time possibilities for each day, then "continue". Check the "Yes, No, if need be" box. Then click "Finish." You will be able to view a link to the Doodle Poll. Copy this link and send it to your committee (cc me). Let your committee know that if they double click on a box, it will indicate “if need be” for that time.

If you haven't heard from a committee member in 2-3 days, you may want to resend the Doodle Poll link as a reminder. If you still don't hear from them, let me know. If you can't find a time everyone can meet, send the Graduate Program Assistant (Karen) a link to your doodle poll, and she can help you out.

*Once you have determined a time that will work for all committee members, send your committee members an email with the date, time, and zoom ID of your defense. Please cc the Graduate Program Assistant (Karen) on your email. It is a good idea to send out a reminder the day before the defense. If you are defending remotely, ask your committee chair to set up a zoom meeting for the defense.*