Emiliano Aguilar

Dissertation Title: Building a Latino Machine: Corruption, Integration, and Machine Politics in East Chicago, Indiana, 1945-2010

Emiliano Aguilar is a native of East Chicago, Indiana. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend before beginning as an Assistant Professor of History there in Summer 2023. His manuscript in progress, Building a Latino Machine: Caught Between Corrupt Political Machines and Good Government Reform, explores the complexities of the ethnic Mexican and Puerto Rican community’s navigation of machine politics in the 20thand 21st centuries to further their inclusion in municipal and union politics in East Chicago, Indiana. His writing has appeared in Belt Magazine, Immigration and Ethnic History Society’s Blog, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of America History, The Metropole, and the Indiana Historical Society Blog. A chapter of his research was recently published in Building Sustainable Worlds: Latinx Placemaking in the Midwest (University of Illinois Press, July 2022). 

Recently Published:

“The Pursuit for Representation in East Chicago, Indiana,” in Building SustainableWorlds; Latin Placemaking in the Midwest, edited by Theresa Delgadillo, Geraldo Cadava, Claire Fox, and Ramón Rivera-Servera (University of Illinois Press, 2022).

“East Chicago’s Failed Utopian Visions,” Belt Magazine, July 1, 2021. 

Anthologized in Dispatches from the Rust Belt: Volume IV The Best of Belt

Magazine 2021. (January 2022)

“Prison for Pabey, but not Stahura? What’s different?” The Times, January 17, 2021.