Toni Muñoz-Hunt

Double Hybridization and Bordercanx Literary Works: How the United States Turned Mexican Americans Into the Forgotten People

Visiting Assistant Professor and Incoming Director of CUSLAI (Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives) at The University of Texas at Dallas, Muñoz-Hunt completed her Ph.D. in 2021 where her dissertation, “Double Hybridization and Bordercanx Literary Works: How the United States Turned Mexican Americans into the Forgotten People,” became a hybrid work on a distinct population within the Latinx community. In 2020, she established the CUSLAI Community Digital Archive Project to record the oral histories of this community. Utilizing her concept “double hybridization” and autoethnography research methodology resulted in her children’s book, El Bowie Bakery. Her works have been featured in Borders in Globalization Review and Columbia Journal. In 2020, she won the Blue Mesa Review Nonfiction Prize for “Border Sisters,” and has presented articles from The University Culture Centre in Bialystok, Poland to University of Grenoble-Alpes, France.