robotic skin jianliang xiao

Robotic skin could transform manufacturing, human robot interactions

Dec. 6, 2019

A talented group of researchers across the college is creating skins for robots to maximize their local sensing capabilities, improving operational safety and human-robot interaction along the way.

Morgan Kauss

Morgan Kauss, MechEngr'20

Dec. 6, 2019

Senior Morgan Kauss says the #ILookLikeAnEngineer hashtag means you don't have to fit a mold to study or work in the engineering field. Physical appearance and background should be unrelated to intellect and interest in any field of study.

Puppy pal prosthetics

Puppy Pal Prosthetics: Giving Dogs a Leg Up on Disability

Dec. 3, 2019

Seniors Bruno Geoly and Niki Duer founded Puppy Pal Prosthetics (PPP) to help canines with disabilities live their lives to the fullest as part of their engineering capstone design course.

Peter Gumble

Graduate Student of the Month - Peter Gumble

Dec. 1, 2019

Peter Gumble is a mechanical engineering graduate student focusing on spacecraft design and pursuing the Satellite System Design Certificate from the aerospace department. He would like to work for a company developing spacecraft and spacecraft hardware.

Jacob Segil

Podcast: Jacob Segil and Lucy Pao - innovators in the college

Nov. 19, 2019

On this edition of On CUE, Jacob Segil, Engineering Plus and Mechanical Engineering instructor speaks about advanced prosthetics capable of "feeling" and Lucy Pao, Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering professor speaks about innovation to bring down the cost of wind energy.

Josh Taca and prosthetic sockets

Grad student Josh Taca helps make prosthetic sockets out of recycled plastic

Nov. 19, 2019

PhD student Josh Tacca traveled to Quito, Ecuador last year and saw a need for well-fitting prosthetics for amputees. Tacca worked with the Range of Motion Project (ROMP) to provide prosthetic and orthotic care to people without access to these services.

ME Alumni Connect Day Mock Interviews

Connecting beyond the classroom at annual ME Alumni Connect Day

Nov. 13, 2019

Thanks to over 50 mechanical engineering alumni volunteers, students were able to engage with alumni over lunch and breakfast, on 12 class panels and during more than 90 mock interviews at ME Alumni Connect Day.

Liam O'Connor

Undergraduate Student of the Month - Liam O'Connor

Nov. 12, 2019

From designing cube satellites to tuning up bikes, Liam O'Connor spends most of his time working with hardware and making things go. Recently, Liam and his senior design teammates formed a startup called Puppy Pal Prosthetics.

Hoyer in Iraq 2011

Podcast: Veteran's Day Special with Lieutenant Colonel Brodie Hoyer

Nov. 11, 2019

Lieutenant Colonel Brodie Hoyer, a current PhD student shares about military activity on campus, his experiences studying and teaching at West Point and the research he is conducting in the Advanced Medical Technologies Laboratory.

cheesman dam

CU researchers recognized with 3 governor’s awards for high-impact research

Nov. 1, 2019

Researchers from RASEI, NIST and CIRES were awarded the 2019 Governer's Award for High-Impact Research for commercializing a dual-comb spectrometer for use in oil and gas fields.
