Welcome Rachel

Sept. 5, 2019

Welcome Rachel Marbaker to the Neuromechanics Lab! Rachel joins us from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania.

Congratulations Shruthi

Sept. 5, 2019

Congratulations to Shruthi on passing her preliminary exam earlier this summer as well as getting married this past weekend.

MLMC 2019 Abstracts Open

Sept. 1, 2019

Abstracts for 2019 Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control meeting are open ( http://www.motor-conference.org/openconf.php ). The Neuromechanics lab looks forward to learning about the great research that has been done since last year's meeting.

Thank you Yan and Kemper

Aug. 15, 2019

Thank you Yan and Kemper for joining our lab for the past year we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

Neural Control of Movement 2019

April 28, 2019

Alaa attended the Neural Control of Movement meeting in Toyama, Japan. There she presented Colin and Dan's work titled "Saccade vigor reflects utility in effort-based decisions". Next year's meeting will be in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Rocky Mountain ASB 2018

April 4, 2019

The Neuromechanics Lab participated in the Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics 2019 meeting. There Colin presented his work winning best Master's Presentation for his work titled, "Saccade vigor reflects choice preference". Additionally, Shruthi was able to give a podium titled, "Should I stay or should I go: vigor of...

Farewell Erik

Dec. 18, 2018

The lab would like to thank Dr. Erik Summerside for all of his contributions to the lab during his tenure with the Neuromechanics lab. We wish him well in his future endevors!

2018 SfN/MLMC

Oct. 30, 2018

The lab attended the Advances in Motro Learning and Motor Control meeting before the Society for Neuroscience's anual meeting. At MLMC Erik presented his work titled, "Effort cost of reaching increases with aging." Additionally, Colin presented his work on saccades vigor reflecting decision utility at SfN. Congratulations to both of...

Welcome Robbie and Dan

Aug. 8, 2018

Robbie Courter and Daniel Apuan join the neuromechanics lab. Robbie joins us from the University of Virginia (BS BME 2018) and Dan joins us from California State University Fresno (BS ME 2018).

Welcome Shruthi!

Aug. 19, 2017

Shruthi Sukumar joins the lab as a C.S. Ph.D. student. Welcome!
