Jamie Principato

Blind student aims to help others reach great heights

March 23, 2017

Graduate Robert Blackwell Earns APS Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in Biological Physics

March 21, 2017

Congratulations to PhD graduate Robert Blackwell for earning the 2016 Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics. “I'm honored to be in such amazing company. There isn't a much better feeling than giving your hard work to the scientific community.” Blackwell said, “Having that work recognized is almost...

New Video Highlights Center for Theory in Quantum Physics

March 16, 2017

Rahul Nandkishore Portrait

Professor Rahul Nandkishore Named 2017 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow

Feb. 21, 2017

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Rahul Nandkishore for winning a 2017 Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. The award was announced on Tuesday, February 21. "I feel honored to receive this prestigious award for my research in theoretical condensed matter physics” Nandkishore said. According to their web site, the Sloan Research Fellowships seek...

Margaret Murnane portrait

Professor Margaret Murnane Wins Highest Medal from The Optical Society

Feb. 20, 2017

Congratulations to JILA Fellow and Physics Professor Margaret Murnane for winning the Frederick Ives Medal/Quinn Prize, the highest award of The Optical Society. The Award was announced on February 16, 2017. According to their site, Murnane earned the award, “For pioneering and sustained contributions to ultrafast science ranging from femtosecond...

CUWiP logo

CUWiP Conference Brings Over 125 Women Physicists to CU 鶹 Campus

View the Conference Site From Jan 13-15, 2017 the 鶹 hosted a Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, which was attended by approximately 125 undergraduate physics, astrophysics, and engineering physics majors. The conference featured many panels, talks, and workshops on topics such as career opportunities with a...

PHENIX detector logo

Brookhaven National Laboratory Receives Approval for Upgraded sPHENIX Detector

Feb. 1, 2017

View the BNL Press Release Brookhaven National Laboratory has announced that the U.S. Department of Energy recently granted "Critical Decision-Zero" (CD-0) status to the sPHENIX project, a proposed upgrade of the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). This decision paves the way for building a ground-breaking research...

Al Bartlett

Professor Al Bartlett's Home Designated Historical Landmark

Dec. 6, 2016

Physics Professor Dennis Perepelitsa wins Lee Grodzins Postdoctoral Award

Oct. 24, 2016

Loren Hough Portrait

Physics Professor Loren Hough Awarded MIRA, Develops a New Way to Look at Cellular Shapeshifter Tubulin

Oct. 21, 2016

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Loren Hough, who was recently awarded a New Investigator Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) from the National Institutes of Health this year to further vital research in the field of biophysics, specifically on studying the behavior of tubulin in his lab. Tubulin, a protein found in...
