Published: April 6, 2023

a photo of Ida Sandoval, PCDP alumniIda (she/her) graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1993 with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Computer Applications.

What is your current job or profession?

Client Partner at Oracle.

What is a fun fact about you?

I teach yoga on the side!

What was your favorite PCDP memory?

My favorite memories mostly come from the summers up on campus. I loved living in the dorms, going to the classes, the fun activities and who could forget the pranks that went on? I know that is why I have such love for the program and tremendous respect for Ron and Chris and what they offered to me - you had a tremendous impact on my life. Thank you so so much!

How did PCDP prepare you for college and professional life?

PCDP helped me prepare to go out of state to a college I never visited and be very, very successful. The summer program, the ACT prep, the monthly field trips all helped me develop skills to be successful at a great college. We couldn't afford to visit Notre Dame before I applied. The first time I saw campus was the day I flew out alone, took a cab to my dorm and moved in. It seems crazy to me now but I don't think I would have been so courageous and so well prepared to venture out so independently without the myriad of supportive experiences that PCDP gave me first. I knew what college life would be like because of the program and I had an amazing college experience at Notre Dame.

Have you maintained connections with other PCDP alumni?

Yes, a few.