Alpine Lake Phytoplankton Responses To The 2002 Drought In Colorado

Flanagan , Colleen M 1 ; McKnight , Diane M 2 ; Roche , Amber 3 ; Gardner , Eileen 4 ; McDougall , Sarah 5 1 INSTAAR 2 INSTAAR 3 INSTAAR 4 INSTAAR 5 Penn State University Because the hydrologic regime of alpine catchments is dominated by snow melt,...

Low Stream Flow Promotes Endemism And Lowers Diversity In Dry Valley Diatoms

Esposito , Rhea M M 1 ; Horn , Shannon 2 ; McKnight , Diane 3 1 INSTAAR 2 3 The McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica are among the coldest and driest deserts on earth. Streams only flow for 6-10 weeks per year, but streams support perennial microbial mats dominated...

Role Of Desorption Kinetics In Unsaturated Heterogeneous Colloid-Facilitated Transport

Dittrich , Timothy M 1 1 University of Colorado-Â鶹¹ÙÍø Colloids are defined as any particle that is between 1 nanometer and 1 micrometer in diameter and can consist of mineral material and clays, microbes, and decayed plant matter. Due to their small size, transport of colloids through soil pores is...

Chemical Properties Of A Microbially-Derived Fulvic Acid From A Hypereutrophic Coastal Pond In Antarctica

Cawley , Kaelin 1 ; McKnight , Diane 2 ; Fimmen , Ryan 3 ; Cory , Rose 4 ; Miller , Penney 5 ; Chin , Yu-Ping 6 ; Foreman , Christine 7 1 University of Colorado at Â鶹¹ÙÍø 2 University of Colorado at Â鶹¹ÙÍø 3 The Ohio State...

Spatial Patterns Of Ecohydrologic Properties On A Hillslope And Alluvial Fan Transect, Sevilleta LTER, New Mexico

Bedford , David R 1 ; Small , Eric E 2 1 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado 2 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado Spatial patterns of ecohydrologic properties allow examination of spatial interactions between hydrologic, ecologic, soil, and climate parameters. We use the spatial patterns of...

Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions Along A Riparian Stretch Of The Â鶹¹ÙÍø Creek, Â鶹¹ÙÍø, CO

Babcock , Kenneth P 1 ; Ge , Shemin 2 1 University of Colorado at Â鶹¹ÙÍø 2 University of Colorado at Â鶹¹ÙÍø The purpose of this study is to gain a scientific understanding of the groundwater-surface water interactions occurring between Â鶹¹ÙÍø Creek and an alluvial aquifer. The study area is...

Phosphorus Cycling In Epilimnetic Lake Sediments: Does Diffusive Boundary Layer Thickness Regulate Interfacial P Fluxes

Anthony , James L. 1 ; Lewis , William 2 1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado 2 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Nutrient mass balance studies suggest that...

An Evaluation Of Wet, Dry, And Total N And S Deposition At 14 National Park Monitoring Sites

Abood , Paul 1 ; Williams , Mark 2 ; Tonnessen , Kathy 3 ; Morris , Kristi 4 1 University of Colorado, Â鶹¹ÙÍø 2 University of Colorado, Â鶹¹ÙÍø 3 Rocky Mountains CESU, National Park Service 4 Air Resources Division, National Park Service NADP/NTN data are used to characterize the...

Tracing Changes In Carbon Chemistry Caused By An Extreme Mid-Summer Rain Event In A Lake-Stream System In The Colorado Rocky Mountains

Miller , Matthew 1 ; McKnight , Diane 2 ; Alexa , Katherine 3 1 INSTAAR, Environmental Engineering 2 INSTAAR, Environmental Engineering 3 Cornell University We studied the impact of a sustained high elevation rain event in mid-summer on the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic material (DOM) in aquatic ecosystems in...

Storm And Diel Surface-Water Chemistry Variations In The Red River Near Questa, New Mexico

McCleskey , R. Blaine 1 ; Verplanck , Phillip L. 2 ; Nordstrom , D. Kirk 3 1 University of Colorado 2 USGS 3 USGS Mining operations and runoff from hydrothermal scars can affect the Red River water quality. Three water samples were collected at the USGS Questa gage, the...
