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Ebrahim Moosa's February Visit Receives Attention in the Press

The Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine recently published an aritlce about the February visit of Ebrahim Moosa, Associate Professor Islamic Studies at Duke University. Mossa delivered a guest lecture at the University of Colorado in honor of Religious Studies Professor Emeritus Fred Denny.

The article by Clint Talbott, titled "," begins as follows:

Long before Egyptians rose up against dictator Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian authorities prosecuted an Islamic scholar who argued that Muslims should view the Koran as both a holy text and a historical document.

Ebrahim Moosa, an associate professor of Islamic studies at Duke University, believes that scholar was on the right track. Noting that vigorous discourse produced “a kind of vibrancy” in Catholicism, Moosa says, “In the Muslim tradition, this work has not really been done yet.”

Moosa made these observations in early February on the University of Colorado campus. His appearance was part of an event honoring a CU expert on Islam, Professor Frederick Denny. (.)

This event also received press coverage in the Ի.