
PAL is a play-based assessment team, including an early childhood special educator, a speech-language pathologist, an occupational therapist, and a family resource coordinator.Ìý The assessment begins with a home visit to learn more family’s priorities and questions and to observe the child’s communication and learning in the home setting. The design of the assessment session at SLHC is then guided by the family’s questions. During the assessment session the team observes the child engaged in play with a family member and with a speech-language graduate clinician.Ìý The team sets up play activities of interest to the child and observes what the child can do independently and then what the child can do with adult assistance. Additional measures of development may include parent report, checklists and speech and language samples.

Information is shared with the family in a conversational format directly after the play session.Ìý Families are partners in identifying the child’s next steps in development.Ìý The team suggests strategies and resources to support the child to reach the next steps in development. A report is provided to the family, including the family’s input from the information sharing portion of the assessment.Ìý

PAL is scheduled in the spring and fall semesters.