Published: May 2, 1999

Western Slope reaction to the CU Real Estate CenterÂ’s evaluation of Grand JunctionÂ’s growth issues has been positive, said Byron Koste, director of the center.

"Our public/private panel was able to dissect problems and come up with tangible, measurable goals for the city," Koste said.

The panel – staffed by Koste, Rodney Slifer of Slifer, Smith and Frampton/Vail Associates; Julie Bender, president of the Aurora Economic Development Council and managing director of the DIA Partnership; Andrew Wallach, deputy director of Great Outdoors Colorado and Chuck Berling of Berling Equities – suggested the following:

o The Grand Junction City Council needs to issue a "clean and clear" statement about development policies and growth in the community.

o City Manager Mark Achen should spend 90 days in direct involvement with the Community Development Department to ensure changes and customer service concerns are addressed.

o A stricter policy to regulate signs would help clean up Grand JunctionÂ’s "visual pollution."

o The Grand Junction Planning Commission needs to take a more active role in long-term planning.

"There needs to be some sort of accountability system so that no decisions are made in a vacuum," Koste said.

Once these actions are implemented, panelists feel that all residents of Grand Junction will begin to see the benefits of growth.

"Growth – if carefully and purposefully orchestrated – can bring the benefits of better roads and parks, for example, to all citizens," Koste said. "Growth need not be feared."

The Real Estate Center evaluated the growth situation in Grand Junction after the city and the Chamber of Commerce asked for assistance with their development process.

The request from the city and chamber came after Dallas-based Cinemark canceled plans to build a theater in the area. The developers were reportedly unable to work out traffic issues with city officials.

The Real Estate Center, located in the College of Business and Administration, recently added smart growth as an area of excellence within its programs.

Organizations interested in receiving assistance from the Real Estate Center should contact Byron Koste at 303-492-4664.