Published: May 3, 2017
Students painting guard rail

“Treat yourself” is one of those mantras we all can get behind, and research shows that it really does improve our mood in the moment. A recent study also found that when we treat others, too, everyone gets a psychological boost in terms of mood, functioning and overall outlook. Here are a few ideas to get the good vibes going whether you have 30 seconds or all afternoon.

Treat your community

  • If you have 30 seconds: hold the door for someone.
  • If you have 2 minutes: text a friend wishing them good luck on an exam, an easy shift at work, a fun night—whatever you think they need to hear.
  • If you have 5 minutes: take a walk through Norlin quad and smile at the people you pass. If you see someone you know, ask how they’re doing.
  • If you have 15 minutes: do your roommates/family a solid by tidying up the kitchen or living room.
  • If you have all day: check in with the about local opportunities for ways you can have an impact.

Treat yourself

  • If you have 30 seconds: sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  • If you have 2 minutes: watch a funny video on YouTube.
  • If you have 5 minutes: to ease your stress.
  • If you have 15 minutes: savor your next snack, cup of coffee or meal. Really focus on the flavors, the experience and the enjoyment you get from the daily ritual.
  • If you have all day: go all in! Try to eat healthy, filling food that nourishes you, pick up a book you’ve been meaning to read, or tackle the assignment that’s been hanging over your head. Treating yourself doesn’t have to cost a lot or even be luxurious: it’s about doing what makes you feel a little better with the time and resources you have.

Psychological benefits

Treating ourselves and others is scientifically proven to boost our happiness, health and wellbeing. It’s also contagious: researchers have found that when someone performs a good deed, those around them are more likely to follow suit. Whatever else you may have going on this week, try to find a little time to spread those good vibes. You—and those around you—deserve it!

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