Published: Feb. 7, 2019

Deadline Extended

As of Feb. 21, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Resource Management Ann Schmiesinghas extended the deadline for nominations and volunteers for the search committee for a new graduate dean. Nominations and volunteers will be accepted through the end of business onMonday, Feb. 25.Those interested in serving on the search committeecan submit their names or nominate others by using the

Also, those interested in serving in the post of graduate deancan apply online via CU 鶹 Jobs up until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 28.

Updated Thursday, Feb. 21:

CU 鶹 Provost Russell Moore today announced the campus is launching an internal search for a new dean of the Graduate School, with the goal of announcing the hire by the close of the spring semester and a starting date for the new dean of July 1, 2019.

“We are seeking to draw from our community an experienced, talented, visionary leader from our midst to continue a high level of service to, and engagement with, our graduate students,” said Moore.

The search committee will be drawn from faculty representatives from graduate degree-granting colleges and schools, graduate student representation through the United Government of Graduate Students, shared faculty governance representation through the 鶹 Faculty Assembly and staff representation.

Nominations and volunteers for the committee will be accepted through the end of business on Monday, Feb. 25. Those interested can submit their names or nominate others by using the email Those interested in serving in the post can apply online via CU 鶹 Jobs through 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 28.

To find the position on the internal job board, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to the employee portal through MyCUInfo.
  2. Click on the navigation icon at the top-right of your screen.
  3. Click on the CU Resources icon.
  4. Under the heading “Business Tools,” click on “CU 鶹 Jobs.”
  5. Use the Keyword Search to find this posting: 15874 (Dean Graduate School & Vice Provost).

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment Katherine Eggert, who will chair the search committee, expects to conduct campus community forums with finalists in early April, and Senior Vice Provost for Academic Resource Management Ann Schmiesing expects to announce the hire for the position by the close of the semester in May, with a starting date of July 1.

“We are eager to receive nominations for the committee, and applications for the position, in order to begin the search process immediately,” said Eggert.

The new graduate dean and vice provost for graduate affairs will report to Schmiesing—herself the former dean of the graduate school—and will sit on Moore’s cabinet as part of his executive leadership team.

“We are seeking candidates with experience working with graduate students and with the faculty and staff who support them,” said Schmiesing. “But even more than that, we’re looking for a leader with a bold vision for graduate education at CU 鶹 and with the reputation, record of service and support of communities on campus to make that vision a reality.”