Published: March 18, 2019

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Resource Management Ann Schmiesing today announced the composition of the search committee for a new dean of the Graduate School/vice provost for graduate affairs and confirmed the search committee had received its charge.

“T 14-person committeeis a dynamic cross-section of faculty, staff and graduate student representation fromall our graduate degree-granting colleges and schools, with extensive institutional knowledge of, and experience with, graduate education,” Schmiesing said. “T committee has received its charge (PDF)and will begin work immediately.”

The committee is chaired by Senior Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment Katherine Eggert, who said she expects the committee “to interview candidates, conduct campus forumsand submit recommendations on finalists to SVP Schmiesing by the close of the spring semester.”

The new graduate dean is expected to begin work on July 1, 2019, Eggert said.

The dean of the Graduate School/vice provost for graduate affairs is the chief administrative officer of the Graduate School on the 鶹 campus and is a member of the provost’s leadership team. The post works closely with the senior vice provost for academic resource management, the senior vice provost for academic planning and assessment, the provost and the chancellor, and collaborates with the faculty in the strategic development, growth and quality of graduate and professional programs.