Clip from the reporting series

Injustice in juvenile courts: Investigative series wins Al Nakkula Award

March 21, 2022

An investigative reporting series into the juvenile justice system in Rutherford County, Tennessee, won the 2022 Al Nakkula Award for Police Reporting, co-sponsored by The Denver Press Club and CU 鶹 College of Media, Communication and Information. The series revealed systemic injustice, sparked reform and demonstrated expert reporting on a secretive system.

cell phone screen with social media icons

How social media data could help predict the next COVID-19 surge

March 18, 2022

CU 鶹 scientists have developed a new and more accurate way of forecasting COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations using Facebook data on how people move around and who they're friends with.

Smart phone with TikTok logo on the screen

Millions are turning to TikTok for the latest on Ukraine, but can the platform be trusted?

March 18, 2022

As the crisis in Ukraine continues, TikTok has become a primary outlet for spreading information, causing some to refer to the conflict as TikTok's first war. Casey Fiesler, an assistant professor of information science, discusses the role TikTok is playing in the Ukraine crisis.

Planted tree sapling

Help BVSD high schoolers plant trees on Earth Day

March 18, 2022

Masters of the Environment students at CU are partnering with the city of 鶹 and 鶹 Valley School District to plant 1,200 saplings on April 22. Help out by getting a tree planted on your property, or sign up to volunteer. The deadline to order a tree is March 30.

Engineering students working with snow

Mechanics of snow course takes advantage of fresh powder

March 18, 2022

Most mechanical engineers will work with materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics and composites during their careers. However, a course taught in CU 鶹's mechanical engineering department asks students to draw inspiration from another material—snow.

Person with a book in front of her face

Celebrate Women’s History Month with library recommendations

March 18, 2022

In recognition of Women’s “Herstory” Month, the University Libraries share media recommendations from staff and other members of the campus community. Read, watch and listen to titles highlighting unique experiences and perspectives.

Patricia Rankin

Surprised by depth of bias, physicist works to bring more women to science

March 18, 2022

Women’s history snapshot: Patricia Rankin initially assumed when told she didn’t "look like a physicist," they were complimenting her on being well dressed.

Sreyas Krishnan in front of the Delta IV Parker Solar Probe in Cape Canaveral

Alumus Sreyas Krishnan helps launch rockets into space

March 18, 2022

Mechanical engineering alumnus Sreyas Krishnan has played a critical role in United Launch Alliance’s latest Atlas V rocket launch, which carried another weather satellite into space on March 1.

SARS-CoV-2 virus

How does the immune system mobilize in response to COVID-19? 5 essential reads

March 18, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought immunology terms that are typically relegated to textbooks into our everyday vernacular. Featuring three CU experts, look back at The Conversation stories that helped us make sense of the ever-evolving science.

Cattle in Brazil

How cattle ranchers in Brazil could help reduce carbon emissions

March 17, 2022

Customized assistance helped Brazilian cattle ranchers sustainably increase their cattle production while keeping carbon in the ground, according to a new study.
