Gia Voeltz

Cellular cartographer Voeltz named HHMI investigator, granted $8 million

May 23, 2018

Intro-to-biology textbook images are changing because of her work. Now, Gia Voeltz joins the ranks of researchers named Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators, an honor that comes with $8 million to take her research wherever it may lead.

Man looking at screen at night

What an all-nighter does to your blood

May 21, 2018

A new study could open the door for developing new treatments for night-shift workers and students pulling all-nighters, and enable doctors to precisely time administration of drugs and tests around the circadian clock.

A girl eats a marshmallow.

Self-control shaped by your 'in-group' as early as preschool

May 3, 2018

How a child's social groups behave can significantly influence his or her ability to practice self-control and could have lasting impacts on development of this critical skill, according to a new study.

Cow pasture

How growing up with pets, dust may boost mental health

April 30, 2018

Children raised in a rural environment, surrounded by animals and bacteria-laden dust, grow up to have more stress-resilient immune systems and might be at lower risk of mental illness than pet-free city dwellers.

Cannabis plant

Can cannabis kill pain without getting you stoned?

April 25, 2018

A new, first-of-its kind study suggests some legal-market cannabis strains may have a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect while intoxicating users less and having less potential for abuse.


Novel antioxidant makes old blood vessels seem young again

April 19, 2018

Older adults who take a novel antioxidant that specifically targets cellular powerhouses, or mitochondria, see aging of their blood vessels reverse by the equivalent of 15 to 20 years within six weeks, according to new study.

Earthquake damage

California's next major earthquake could cause $100 billion in losses, strand 20,000 in elevators

April 18, 2018

What will happen when the next big earthquake hits northern California? A team of researchers explored that question at an event April 18, marking the anniversary of the 1906 temblor that leveled much of San Francisco.


Opioids after surgery can, paradoxically, prolong pain

April 16, 2018

Giving opioids to quell pain after surgery can prolong pain for more than three weeks and prime specialized immune cells in the spinal cord to be more reactive to pain, a study found.

Broken ring

Extramarital sex partners likely to be close friends, men more apt to cheat

April 3, 2018

Americans who admit to having extramarital sex most likely cheat with a close friend, according to research from the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Blood pressure exam.

A pill that staves off aging? It's on the horizon

March 28, 2018

Nicotinomide riboside (NR) mimics caloric restriction, kick-starting the same pathways responsible for reducing cardiovascular aging.
