The USS Portland test-fires a laser weapon

High-energy laser weapons: How they work, what they are used for

March 7, 2024

Militaries around the world are rapidly developing science fiction-like laser weapons, motivated in part by the growing threat from swarms of drones. Read from CU defense expert Iain Boyd on the Conversation.

Manufacturing equipment emitting billow of smoke.

US companies have to start talking about climate change under new SEC rule

March 7, 2024

The Securities and Exchange Commission approved new climate risk disclosure rules, requiring some of the country’s biggest companies to report emissions data and other climate-related risks. Asaf Bernstein, a former adviser to the SEC, gives his take.

Bags of donated plasma

Plasma donations: A financial lifesaver and an ethical dilemma

March 6, 2024

New research shows low-income households bridge cash needs and avoid payday loans by selling plasma, but there has been little study on the health effects of high-frequency donations.

Peter Sellers as Dr. Strangelove

Anything but a bomb, ‘Dr. Strangelove’ turns 60

March 5, 2024

CU 鶹’s chair of Cinema Studies and Moving Image Arts shares insights on Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece “doomsday sex comedy” and why the film is more relevant than ever.

Polar bear chasing a seal

The Arctic could become ‘ice-free’ within a decade

March 5, 2024

While summer sea ice loss in the Arctic is inevitable, it can be reversed if the planet cools down, CU 鶹 researchers say.

a lizard on a tree

8 in 10 lizards could be at risk due to deforestation

March 4, 2024

These reptiles move around tree trunks to seek warmth or shade. With trees disappearing, they would have trouble controlling their body temperature, a new study shows.

political protestors march on street

Facts ignored: The truth is flexible when falsehoods support political beliefs

March 4, 2024

People support misinformation from political candidates despite knowing it’s false because it hits on a “deeper truth,” new research shows.

Donald Trump speaking at his 2017 inauguration.

Now that Trump’s on the Colorado ballot, here’s what’s next

March 4, 2024

The Supreme Court ruled neither Colorado nor any other state can remove Donald Trump’s name from the ballot based on the 14th Amendment and actions leading up the the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Get Professor Doug Spencer’s take.

Sabrina Kainz holds up a map while standing on a rocky overlook

Geologists explore the hidden history of Colorado’s Spanish Peaks

March 4, 2024

A team from CU 鶹 collected dozens of samples from across southeastern Colorado, and their results could help to answer an enduring mystery: What made Colorado's High Plains so high?

Bouvardia ternifolia blooms

CU Cancer Center leaders aim to use novel molecule to fight cancer

March 1, 2024

Tin Tin Su of CU 鶹 and Antonio Jimeno of the CU School of Medicine say acceleration-initiative funds will help speed a promising, developed-in-Colorado cancer therapy for patients.
