Balloon Altitude Command Control Housing for Unmanned Sensing (BACCHUS)

Description: Project BACCHUS aims to design, build, and test a payload that will attach directly to a high-altitude balloon and an Urban Sky remote sensing payload in order to control the system’s vertical rate by venting helium and releasing ballast. This will improve the sensing capabilities of the Urban Sky payload by providing a stable hover for extended periods of time at multiple altitudes throughout the flight.

Sponsor: Urban Sky

Advisor: John Mah

PM: Benjamin Chupik

Team Roster: Connor Baldwin, Ben Chupik, William Gravel, Elijah Vance, Tanisha Anand, Bryce Glacken, David Shaw, Thyme Zuschlag, Kailey Rex, Libby Moore, Derrick Choi, Leah Selman

Project Files: