Nano Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement (NanoSAM)

  • Description: The NanoSAM team will collaborate with engineers at Ball Aerospace Corporation to design, construct, and test a functioning optics system that is capable of measuring solar irradiance in a narrow spectral band around 1.02 um to obtain stratospheric aerosol concentrations data. An accompanying electronics system will also be produced for the purpose of collecting, packetizing, and outputting irradiance data.
  • Sponsor: Ball Aerospace
  • Advisor: Dr. Zoltan Sternovsky
  • PM: Hui Min Tang
  • Team Roster: Conner McLeod, Jaykob Velasquez, Aanshi Panchal, Jared Cantilina, Jacob Romero, Matt Weber, Josh Horst, Sara Reitz, Jessica Harris, Hui Min Tang, Quinn LaBarge

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