Tagline With ''Be'' Statements

The first Be 鶹treatment, (often referred to asTreatment 1 orBe 鶹with "Be" statements)should be used most often as a headline, with the sub-line reflecting the message of what you can achieve and become atCU鶹.There should always be three “Be” statements used with this version; however, “Be" statementsmay also be used on theirown (see other uses of "Be" statements). “Be" statementsshould always be set in sentence case. The statements as shown here should be in Helvetica Neue Extra BlackCondensed (107). Template files are available to create custom “Be" statementlockups.

We strongly prefer that each "Be" statement be two words. However, in some cases, such as "Be a leader," this is not possible. The font size of the "Be" statementswill increase or decrease based on the length of the words used. The "Be" statementsshould align with the Be 鶹 wordmark preciselyas indicated below.

Be 鶹. branding example

Wordmark and "Be" statements lock up

Be 鶹. branding minimum width

Minimum width is 2.5 inches

Be 鶹. branding spacing around

The minimum required space around the lockup should be one-quarter itsheight on all sides as shown above.

Be 鶹. branding alignment

The "Be" statements should span from the edge of the first “B” to the end of the “r,”and the space between the sub-line and “Be 鶹.” should be half theheight of the period in “Be 鶹.

Be 鶹. branding example