Selected Publications

  • Muller DA, Tzou Y, Raj R, Silcox J. Mapping sp2 and sp3 states of carbon at sub-nanometre spatial resolution. Nature. 1993;366(6457):725.Ā 
  • Raj R. Fundamental research in structural ceramics for service near 2000 C. JĀ Am Ceram Soc. 1993;76(9):2147-74.Ā 
  • Xue LA, Raj R. Effect of hotā€pressing temperature on the optical transmission of zinc sulfide. Applied physics letters. 1991;58(5):441-3.Ā 
  • Wang J, Raj R. Estimate of the activation energies for boundary diffusion from rateā€controlled sintering of pure alumina, and alumina doped with zirconia or titania. JĀ Am Ceram Soc. 1990;73(5):1172-5.Ā 
  • Panda PC, Wang J, Raj R. Sinterā€Forging Characteristics of Fineā€Grained Zirconia. JĀ Am Ceram Soc. 1988;71(12):C-507.Ā 
  • Baik S, Raj R. Liquidā€Phase Bonding of Silicon Nitride Ceramics. JĀ Am Ceram Soc. 1987;70(5):C-105.
  • Ghosh AK, Raj R. Grain size distribution effects in superplasticity. ActaĀ Metall. 1981;29(4):607-16.Ā 
  • Raj R, Ashby MF. Intergranular fracture at elevated temperature. ActaĀ Metall.Ā 1975;23(6):653-66.Ā 
  • Raj R, Ashby MF. On grain boundary sliding and diffusional creep. Metallurgical transactions. 1971;2(4):1113-27.Ā