Published: Nov. 5, 2010

madrigalOn Wednesday, November 3, 2010, the 49th Annual Madrigal Festival took place at the University of Colorado at 鶹.

23 high school choirs – totaling over 600 students – from as far as Pueblo South High School and as close as 鶹 High School, journeyed to Macky Auditorium to spend a day working with clinician, Dr. Jo-Michael Scheibe (Chair of the Department of Choral Activities at the University of Southern California and National President-Elect of the American Choral Directors’ Association).

The day that began with a mass choral rehearsal and concluded with a final performance, was integrated with each school performing for each other, along with performances by the University Choir (directed by CU’s Associate Director of Choirs Jeffre Gemmell), and a performance by Assistant Professor of Voice and tenor Joel Burcham, who sang “La donna é mobile” from Giuseppe Verdi’sRigoletto.

Overall, the successful event brought together over 600 young voices to sing, “Weep, O mine eyes” by John Bennett; “I Carry your Heart” by David Dickau; and “Rejoice!” by Jeffery L. Ames. Pianist, Susan Olenwine, accompanied the choir.

The College of Music would like to especially thank festival coordinator Gabrielle Dietrich and master of ceremonies Jim Keller for all their efforts contributing to the success of this event.