PhotoNameContact Information
Jose Amat Jose Amat
Senior Research Associate
Psychology and Neuroscience
Kristin Rasmus Burow Kristin Rasmus Burow
Research Associate
Integrative Physiology
Lamya'a Dawud Lamya'a Dawud
Postdoctoral Fellow • Lowry Laboratory
Integrative Physiology
Dr. Tahra Eissa Tahra Eissa
Postdoctoral Fellow • Fitzpatrick Laboratory
Department of Applied Mathematics
Matt Frank Matt Frank
Senior Research Associate
Integrative Physiology
Michael Kelberman
Postdoctoral Fellow • Donaldson's Laboratory
Psychology and Neuroscience
Daniel Leopold Daniel Leopold
Postdoctoral Fellow • Banich Laboratory
Psychology and Neuroscience
Meredith Loth Meredith Loth
Postdoctoral Fellow • Donaldson Laboratory
Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology
Matthew Powers
Postdoctoral Fellow
Integrative Physiology • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
David Protter David Protter
Postdoctoral Fellow • Donaldson Laboratory
Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology
Andrew Reineberg Andrew Reineberg
Research Associate
Psychology and Neuroscience • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Robert S. Thompson
Research Associate
Integrative Physiology