2024 Featured Speakers

Huilin Gao
Huilin Gao
KEYNOTE • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering • Texas A&M University
Matt Becker
Matt Becker
DARCY LECTURE • Professor of Earth Sciences • California State University, Long Beach

2024 Invited Speakers

Andrew Earles
Andrew Earles
Executive Vice President, Wright Water Engineers
Tanya Heikkila
Professor School of Public Affairs • Program Director, Master of Public Policy • Co-Director, Center for Policy and Democracy • CU Denver
Martin Hoerling
Martin P. Hoerling
Adjunct Lecturer
KEITH Musselman
Keith Musselman
Assistant Professor • INSTAAR Research Associate • PhD UCLA 2012
James Rattling Leaf Sr
James Rattling Leaf, Sr.
Tribal Engagement Specialist, North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center