Yorick Andeweg in front of a city skyline.

Yorick Andeweg

Graduate Student
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The Project involves performing research and development on improving the performance of a vapor cell based optical frequency reference. Specific tasks will include assembling microfabricated rubidium vapor cells, testing the performance of the optical frequency reference via measurements with an optical frequency comb, and designing software and electronics to improve the instability of the locked probe laser. Research Interests Microfabricated quantum sensors Selected Publication Wei, B., Crawford, A.,...
Xander Ault Headshot

Xander Ault

Superconductive Electronics Group
Project Description The associates key responsibilities will include but are not limited to circuit design and simulation of superconductive circuits, micro-fabrication of these circuits, electrical test and characterization of circuits at cryogenic temperatures and frequencies from DC up to 30 GHz, automation of data acquisition, develop theory to explain circuit performance, compare data with theory, communicate and collaborate internally within the group and between NIST groups, as well as with...
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Jihoon Bang

Postdoctoral Fellow
Radio Access and Propagation Metrology Group
Project Description A high-priority activity within the Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a program to develop metrology for future millimeter-wave and sub terahertz mobile wireless communication systems. This involves the development of phased-array based channel sounders which are used to characterize the propagation environment. Propagation data collected by the sounders is used to develop channel models and support new technology needed...
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Florian Bergmann

Postdoctoral Fellow
Guided Wave Electromagnetics Group
Project Description Apply on-wafer materials characterization techniques, both linear and nonlinear, to further the understanding of how intrinsic material physics is related to improved performance of semiconductor and communications devices.
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Christina Bowers

Graduate Student
Ion Storage Group
Project Description Develop scalable methods and architectures for trapped ion quantum computing. In particular, help with the design, planning, and construction of experimental apparatus including laser systems, microwave electronics, vacuum chambers, and control electronics; design and perform experiments on trapped ions and analyze the data, including performing theoretical calculations; disseminate results through publication in journals and presentation at conferences.
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Carlos Bracamontes

Postdoctoral Fellow
High-Speed Waveform Metrology Group
Project Description Associate will share responsibility for designing and constructing the infrastructure to perform optical and electrical measurements in a quantum networking research laboratory. The associate will implement techniques necessary to approach or reach the quantum limit, including mechanical stabilization, phase and noise characterization, and electronic feedback methods. Associate will make use of and strengthen a diverse array of skills through hands-on, manual tasks as well as design challenges, data...
Margaret Bruff in front of mountains.

Margaret Bruff

Graduate Student
Ion Storage Group
Project Description The NIST Ion Storage group (ISG) conducts experiments with trapped ions for applications in quantum information, computing, networking, and simulation. These experiments range from fundamental quantum physics to practical development of quantum-enhanced measurement technologies. Researcher works on an interface between ion and photon-based quantum bits for networking. The work involves laserand microwave-based quantum gates and fiber-based miniature cavities, integrated with a scalable architecture for trapped-ion-based quantum information processors...
Headshot of Joseph Bush in front of green trees.

Joseph Bush

Graduate Student
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description The project involves design, fabrication, and test of quantum microwave, acoustic, and optical components. The focus of this effort will be replacing the surface acoustic wave resonator with a Lamb wave plate resonator. This requires extensive use of modelling software such as COMSOL. Interfacing between the fabricated device at 20mK with room temperature electronics and lasers will also be necessary. Modelling, understanding, and presentation of acquired data will...
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Dalton Chaffee

Graduate Student
Ion Storage Group
Project Description The research will investigate ways to produce polyatomic molecular ions. This project will expand the applicable range of the precision molecular spectroscopy protocol developed at NIST, strengthening NIST's leadership in this emerging field.
Lingyun Chai Headshot

Lingyun Chai

Postdoctoral Fellow
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The associates work entails developing compact quantum-based electrical standards with high accuracy. Some of the associates main tasks are to design, construct and test electrical standards based on microfabricated alkali vapor cells, analyze test data to assess device performance and publish work in leading scientific journals and present work at conferences Research Interests Quantum sensor with Rydberg atoms
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Jerome Cheron

Senior Research Fellow
High-Speed Waveform Metrology Group
Project Description The Researcher will collaborate in the design of integrated circuits for novel measurement instrumentation, on-chip calibration artifacts, on-chip verification artifacts and device modeling He will develop/design test structures for microwave large-signal measurements, broadband small-signal measurements up to THz frequencies, design an on-chip comb generator, including trigger circuits and fast pulse generator, then consider improvements of the millimeter-wave LSNA.
Ravin Chowdhury in front of a boulder and trees.

Ravin Chowdhury

Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description Researchers work involves the development of heterogeneously integrated semiconductor lasers. Tasks include design and modeling of semiconductor lasers, microfabrication of heterogeneously integrated semiconductor lasers, and optical and electrical measurements (LIV curves, optical spectra, and laser linewidth) of these devices.The work will entails optical measurements of semiconductor lasers, simulation of optical heterostructures, cleanroom microfabrication of integrated photonic devices and presentation of results at internal meetings, and occasional meetings with...
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Allie Christensen

Fiber Sources and Applications Group
Project Description The researcher will support the efforts of the Fiber Sources and Applications group to develop and apply fiber-frequency comb based techniques to spectroscopy, ranging and time transfer.
Atasi Dan in front of green trees.

Atasi Dan

Postdoctoral Fellow
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Research Interests Microfabrication processing and characterization of photonics devices
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Guilherme De Andrade Garcia

Senior Research Fellow
Time Realization and Distribution Group
Project Description The position will involve research, development, and operational work on time scales and time transfer systems. The work with existing NIST staff members in the Time Realization and Distribution Group involves projects aimed at enhancing and improving the measurement capabilities of existing systems, as well as on the development of new systems.
Jonothan Dean Headshot

Jonathan Dean

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Sensors Division
Project Description The researcher is apart of The Quantum Sensors Group at NIST in a multiperson team developing cryogenic sensors for the detection and spectroscopy of single photons and particles. Some of the researchers responsibilties include, but are not limited to designing and testing cryogenic sensors including superconducting transition-edge and kinetic inductance devices along with readout systems for arrays of cryogenic sensors, developing microcalorimeter spectrometers built from cryogenic sensor arrays...
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Jose Estrada

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description The Advanced Microwave Photonics group is developing parametric amplifier circuits for the purpose of measuring quantum circuits, including solid state qubits. The project is to design and test novel lumped and distributed matching circuits for varactor and Josephson junction-based parametric amplifiers. The project also includes design validation by measurement of scattering parameters and noise performance at cryogenic temperatures. This experimental basic research supports NIST mission in quantum information...
Ferris, Mark Headshot

Mark Ferris

Postdoctoral Fellow
Magnetic Imaging Group
Project Description The Magnetic Imaging Group researches micro and milliscale hydrogel composites for use as novel sensors, particularly including Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) sensors, including geometrical design of sensors, developing fabrication protocols for sensor construction, exploring novel chemistries to enable new sensing measurands and demonstration of multiplexed sensing of multiple variable simultaneously. Research Interests Smart Hydrogels, Smartphone-based sensing, NMR Profiling Research Citations Ferris, M., & Zabow, G. (2024). Quantitative, high-sensitivity...
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Angela Folz

Applied and Computational Statistics Group
Project Description NIST statisticians recently devised an innovative regression slope estimator based on an artificial neural network (ANN). This project will extend this ANN-based method of estimation into different domains to better understand its potential. These domains will include joint estimation of intercept and slope in linear regression and in logistic regression, and will consider both uniformly and non-uniformly spaced regression design points. Different ANN architectures will be explored to...
Head shot of Connor Fredrick in front of a white wall.

Connor Fredrick

Postdoctoral Fellow
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Project Description This research involves applying laser frequency combs for the calibration of astronomical spectrographs and for high resolution solar spectroscopy. This work involves the development of high-repetition rate lasers, laser frequency control, nonlinear spectral broadening and novel detection techniques. Research Interests Laser spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, and optical frequency combs with an emphasis on precision astronomical applications
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Kristen Genter

Postdoctoral Fellow
Advanced Microwave Photonics Group
Project Description The Advanced Microwave Photonics Group (686.05) fabricates superconducting circuits for optomechanics and quantum computing research. This includes mentorship and instruction, cleanroom equipment maintenance, assistance with laboratory management, coordination of fabrication projects and project planning, design review, documentation of fabrication processes, and fabrication. This support's NIST mission of developing quantum information systems.
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Grant Giesbrecht

Graduate Student
Superconductive Electronics Group
Project Description Candidate will investigate devices and techniques to be used by NIST to advance microwave metrology using new devices, techniques and instruments are being developed by the NIST Superconductive Electronics Group.
Mario Alberto Gonzalez Maldonado Headshot

Mario Gonzalez Maldonado

Postdoctoral Fellow
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The associates positions entails developing compact atomic magnetometers with high accuracy. Some of the main tasks are to design, construct and test magnetic sensors based on microfabricated alkali vapor cells, analyze test data to assess sensor performance and publish work in leading scientific journals and present work at conferences. Research Interests Quantum technologies, quantum sensors, precision measurements, atomic vapors, cold atoms, atomic interferometry.
Tanner Grogan Portrait

Tanner Grogan

Graduate Student
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Project Description Conduct research on optical atomic clocks and related technology. Research focus will be laser stabilization using a cryogenically-cooled optical cavity, as well as highly-coherent laser spectroscopy in ytterbium. Research Interests Ultrastable optical cavities for precision timekeeping
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Eva Gurra

Graduate Student
Quantum Electronics Group
Project Description Reseacher designs and test strategies to preserve quantum coherence in superconducting circuits. This work will involve circuit layout, cryogenic testing at milliKelvin temperatures, and, possibly, microfabrication. The use of superconducting tunnel junctions to extract quasiparticles from superconducting qubits will be an important focus area. In addition, the researcher contributes to the design and testing of thin-film solid-state refrigerators based on superconducting tunnel junctions. The candidate will couple these...
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Daniel Hammerland

Postdoctoral Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Project Description The Research Associate completes experimental and theoretical work to advance the performance of Rydberg atom systems in the detection of electric fields. Experimental work includes designing, building, and troubleshooting laser, optical and electronic systems as well as operating RF and microwave equipment and developing data analysis software. Theoretical work includes developing and analyzing atomic models for Rydberg atoms and performing RF simulations. Research Interests Ultrafast spectroscopy for studying...
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Benedikt Hampel

Postdoctoral Fellow
Faint Photonics Group
Project Description The project is a collaboration between the groups of Sae Woo Nam/Rich Mirin and the Ions group led by Dietrich Leibfried and Daniel Slichter to perform design, fabrication, and testing of superconducting nanowire detectors integrated with ion traps, working on improving yield and reducing motional heating of the ion near the detector. This experimental work supports NIST's mission to advance measurement science by improving the performance of quantum...
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Youssef Hassan

Graduate Student
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Project Description Research and development of the ytterbium optical lattice clock. This will include advanced laser stabilization, studies of systematic effects in optical clocks, and efforts to enhance quantum measurement techniques in optical clocks. Research Interests Developing optical lattice clocks by improving its accuracy and stability as a future primary frequency standard, with emphasis on suppressing the blackbody radiation uncertainty by upgrading the room-temperature Yb optical lattice clock to cryogenic...
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Benjamin Hunt

Graduate Student
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Project Description Research and development of the ytterbium optical lattice clock, focusing on extending the state-of-the-art in optical frequency metrology. Specific tasks include research efforts on laser cooling and trapping, laser spectroscopy, and quantum control techniques.
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Poolad Imany

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
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Kaylee Ives

Advanced Communications Research Group
Project Description The objective encompasses Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) intent to leverage the growing accessibility of virtual and augmented reality technologies to develop a state-of-the-art augmented environment for public safety. The goal of this effort will be to support study recruitment, participation, data collection, and analysis for PSCR user interface research projects.
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Vishnuvardhan Iyer

Postdoctoral Fellow
Guided Wave Electromagnetics Group
Research Interests Near-field measurement methods, embedded systems, and hardware Security
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Tahereh Jabbari

Postdoctoral Fellow
Superconductive Electronics Group
Headshot of Kaixuan Ji in front of a white wall.

Kaixuan Ji

Graduate Student
Advanced Microwave Photonics Group
Project Description Their work will focus on developing ways protect and control systems of superconducting quantum bits. The goal is to develop filtering methods that still allow for the proper control of circuits. Educating students and maintaining fundamental Quantum Information Science Research & Development programs are two of NIST's core missions specified in the National Quantum Initiative. This research is experimental basic physics, and involves designing electronic systems and improving...
Emilie Jue Headshot

Emilie Jué

Senior Research Fellow
Spin Electronics Group
Project Description The goal of the project is to develop metrology for spintronic and magnetic devices for hardware for AI. The project will require simulation, fabrication, and characterization of hybrid superconducting devices at high speeds (GHz) within custom cryogenic measurement infrastructure. Research Interests Superconducting electronics, Spintronics, Neuromorphic computing
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Joseph Junca

Postdoctoral Fellow
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description Experimental research will include the development of measurement techniques utilizing atom interferometry and compact cold atom devices. This work is a part of the internal NIST on a Chip program and supports existing experimental research efforts.
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Tomasz Karpisz

Postdoctoral Fellow
Guided Wave Electromagnetics Group
Project Description Tomasz is working with NIST researchers to develop on-chip electric-acoustic spectroscopy to characterize intermolecular interactions in solution. To do this, he will develop nonlinear on-wafer measurements and calibrations. Methods include design of on-wafer devices, fabrication, finite element analysis, testing at microwave and mm-wave electrical frequencies and ultrasound acoustic frequencies.
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James Kasic

Graduate Student
Fiber Sources and Applications Group
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Gautam Kavuri

Postdoctoral Student
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description The researcher engages in the design and construction of high-performance entangled-photon sources based on nonlinear processes for the development of device-independent quantum random number generation. The researcher builds entangled photon-sources based on spontaneous parametric downconversion, implements device-independent randomness protocols, interfaces with public randomness beacons, carries out experiments related to loophole-free tests of Bell’s inequalities, publishes research results related to metrology of entangled photons and disseminates research at conferences.
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Philip Kent

Graduate Student
Ion Storage Group
Project Description The project is focused on experimentally investigating and minimizing the fundamental sources of heating in trapped ion experiments for quantum information. This heating fundamentally limits coherence times in these systems. Experiments will concentrate on surface preparation and contamination sources.
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Saeed Khan

Senior Research Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description NIST is developing superconducting optoelectronic devices for superconducting optoelectronic networks (SOENs) for advanced neuromorphic computing. The SOENs project consists of fabricating devices in the cleanroom and measuring their properties.
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Ondrej Krivosudsky

Postdoctoral Fellow
Guided Wave Electromagnetics Group
Project Description Develop high-frequency on-wafer devices and standards to support testing of next-generation integrated circuits for advanced communications and NIST-on-a-Chip applications.
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Yang Li

Postdoctoral Fellow
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The first project is the development of compact, low-power atomic magnetometers with intrinsic accuracy. The second project is the development of large arrays of microfabricated vapor cells using parallel processing techniques. The third project is the fabrication of Strontium alkali vapor cells and their optical characterization. The project is in support of the NIST on a Chip program and of industrial applications in multiple areas. Research Interests Chip...
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Liang-Chun Lin

Postdoctoral Fellow
Fiber Sources and Applications Group
Research Interests Molecular spectroscopy
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Yifan Liu

Graduate Student
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Project Description This is a fundamental experimental research project aimed at the creation of frequency-stable, low phase noise optical and microwave signals using compact optical resonators and optical frequency combs. Research Interests Ultrastable laser
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Yuchen Lou

Postdoctoral Fellow
Precision Photonics Synthesis Group
Project Description The associate will conduct experimental fundamental research into high-speed cryogenic photodetection. This work explores the viability of high speed photodetection to drive Josephson junctions at a temperature near 4 Kelvin. Some of the associates key responsibilities are performing photodetector measurements, including DC responsivity and bandwidth, at cryogenic temperatures, performing pump-probe photodector response via electro-optic sampling, working with optical frequency comb-based optical pulse shapers and present results at internal...
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Xifeng Lu

Senior Research Fellow
Shared Spectrum Metrology Group
Project Description The position will grow into an increasingly independent research role in complementary problems concentrated in measurement and characterization, and detection of:1) Ambient Radio Frequency (RF) noise and interference that clutters everyday wireless spectrum, and 2) Its impact on reception by users in applications like cellular wireless, global satellite navigation, or radar.
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Maxime Malnou

Senior Research Fellow
Advanced Microwave Photonics Group
Project Description The Advanced Microwave Photonics Group (686.05) is conducting research and development of parametric amplifier circuits and microwave characterization tools for quantum-limited amplifiers, including traveling parametric amplifiers. This project is to support ongoing experiments in quantum computing and other quantum information science projects.
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Erin Maloney

Quantum Electronics Group
Dixith Manchaiah Headshot

Dixith Manchaiah

Postdoctoral Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Project Description The associates work entails furthering research into Rydberg atom systems and their applications to radio wave communications and quantum sensing. The postdoctoral scholar completes experimental and theoretical work to advance the performance of Rydberg atom systems in the detection of electric fields. Experimental work includes designing, building, and troubleshooting laser, optical and electronic systems as well as operating RF and microwave equipment and developing data analysis software. Theoretical...
Paritosh Manurkar in front of a gray background.

Paritosh Manurkar

Senior Research Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Project Description Conduct research into traceable, mmWave, wideband modulated signal sources. He will help extend the study and use of this novel source to 94, 72, and 28 GHz, while helping to automate and speed up the data taking/signal processing procedures. These are key research topics for 5g communications. Improving the turnaround time for results is necessary to push the research forward. Also, the results of his work at 72...
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Gabriela Martinez

Graduate Student
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The project focuses on the development of systems for the generation of laser-cooled atoms in a compact microfabricated platform and the development of devices based on chip-scale atomic beams, including carrying out laboratory experiments to design, fabricate, and test such structures. Research Interests Atomic clocks, atomic sensing, atomic beams, cold atoms, microfabricated vapor cells
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Jessica Martinez

Senior Research Fellow
Magnetic Imaging Group
Project Description The assosciate works in the areas of quantitative MRI and MRI safety. Some of their key responsibilities include analysis and publication of reproducibility and repeatability studies of quantitative MRI, lead and contribute to team research and development efforts in low-field MRI safety, collaborate with research partners at other sites and present results to the international research community and via publications.
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Michael Mazurek

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description The Quantum Nanophotonics Group in the Applied Physics Division requires someone to perform research to support our innovations in Measurement Science (IMS) program in Quantum Biometrology. Responsibilities will include designing and constructing parametric downconverson-based sources of entangled photon pairs optimized for absorption by fluorophores, and helping to plan and build an apparatus to screen fluorophores for this effect. Expertise in experimental and theoretical quantum optics are required.
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Patrick McKee

Post-doctoral student
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The associate works on a fundamental research project to develop compact atomic clocks based on strontium vaporcells. This work is part of the NIST on a Chip program. The work is mostly experimental and will involve designing, building and testing this new type of atomic clock. Research Interests Microfabricated Atomic Clocks, Microfabricated Vapor Cells, Atomic Physics, Single-Molecule Biophysics, nanoscience, nanotechnology
Headshot of Charles McLemore in front of a music stage

Charles McLemore

Postdoctoral Fellow
Precision Photonics Synthesis Group
Project Description The project involves designing and implementing novel ultrastable laser systems with compact and portable formfactors. This includes designing and constructing ultrastable optical frequency reference cavities, building and implementing the electro-optic and electronic frequency locking hardware, and measuring the stable laser’s performance in terms of frequency and timing noise and acceleration sensitivity. Research Interests My research focuses primarily on building laser stabilization systems for portable applications. I design, fabricate,...
Corey Rae McRae standing outside in front of a building and trees.

Corey Rae McRae

Senior Research Fellow
Quantum Electronics Group
Project Description The NIST Quantum Sensors Group (QSG) is developing superconducting circuits for Quantum Information Science (QIS). A key goal of QIS is to achieve highly coherent circuits, which means the QSG is developing circuit materials that minimize energy loss and decoherence. The QSG is also developing techniques to reliably measure coherence and to intercompare different materials and instruments. This is applied research. Research Interests Materials and metrology for superconducting...
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Benton Miller

Graduate Student
Advanced Microwave Photonics Group
Project Description This project focuses on the integration of next-generation quantum-limited amplifiers, conceived and demonstrated by the Advanced Microwave Photonics Group (686.05), with the 3D cavity resonators and superconducting qubits. In addition to producing unprecedented advances in measurement efficiency of quantum circuits, this project will also explore new methods for programming parametric nonlinear interactions between high quality factor cavity modes to store, manipulate, and measure quantum states of stored microwave...
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Ryan Morgenstern

Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description The project involves the development of cryogenic refrigeration systems for various projects in the Faint Photonics Group. This includes design of various parts, assembly, and testing the assembled systems. It also includes programming of various instruments for temperature display and other system parameters. This will support NIST's mission in on-going projects in superconducting single-photon detector development.
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Malgorzata Musial

Postdoctoral Fellow
Fluid Characterization Group
Project Description Dr. Musial will study ion-pairing phenomena by use of dielectric spectroscopy and acoustic spectroscopy. Measurements of ion-pairing equilibria or ion complexation equilibria (in crown ethers or organometallic cages, for example) are of interest. A short-term goal of this project is to validate the performance of electric-acoustic spectroscopy, the new technique discussed above. Longer-term goals include the development of highly efficient separations and catalytic reactions. This is a collaborative...
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Takuma Nakamura

Senior Research Fellow
Precision Photonics Synthesis Group
Project Description This experimental research will focus the development and testing of optical frequency comb-based systems for low noise microwave generation, advancing NIST interests in next-generation ultrastable frequency sources. Achieving this will entail assembly of microwave components, design of electro-optic systems, as well as data acquisition and analysis. Additionally, this project will involve optical frequency comb operation and precision phase and frequency measurements of stable optical signals using a frequency...
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Nhi Nguyn

Postdoctoral Student
Quantum Electronics Group
Project Description The researcher uses variations of the two-level system (TLS) model of amorphous glasses to analyze superconducting microwave resonator and qubit data to identify differences in decoherence channels between devices made with a variety of superconducting and dielectric materials. Additional tasks include performing experimental microwave and dc measurements at room temperate and in a dilution refrigerator and designing and simulating superconducting devices.Other key responsibilities of the researcher include but...
Headshot of Justin Niedermeyer in a lab.

Justin Niedermeyer

Graduate Student
Ion Storage Group
Project Description The research project involves basic science experiments on quantum logic and spectroscopy with two-dimensional arrays of trapped atomic ions, in line with the strategic goal of NIST to support research in quantum information processing and simulation, quantum networking and quantum metrology. The work will be within the Ion Storage Group of the Time and Frequency Division of NIST. Research Interests Ion trapping, quantum simulation, quantum information, atomic physics...
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Samuel Oberdick

Senior Research Fellow
Magnetic Imaging Group
Project Description The Magnetic Imaging Group (686.08) will be exploring new fabrication protocols for creating smart contrast agents. They will explore potentially scalable, bottom up fabrication protocols with the aim of mass-production of MR addressable contrastagents and sensors. In addition, they will characterize the sensors both structurally and magnetically. Structural characterization will use optical and electron microscopy. Magnetic characterization will be performed using magnetometry and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Research...
Headshot of Bakhrom Oripov in front of a greenish-gold background.

Bakhrom Oripov

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Decription The project in the Quantum Nanophotonics and Faint Photonics Group involves research fabricating and testing new devices and readout architectures for superconducting nanowire single-photon detector widths. This supports NIST's work in extending single photon detectors to the ultraviolet, in support of space-based reserach and industry. Research Interests Superconducting Single-Photon Detector Arrays, Superconducting Electronics and Neuromorphic Hardware, Machine Learning Algorithms. View CV
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Negar Otrooshi

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description Research fabricating and test new devices and readout architectures for superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. This is fundamental research in support of NIST mission objectives in photonic sensing and imaging.
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Jasper Palfree

Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description The research plan involves the development of software for use with the random number beacon under development in the Applied Physics Division. The specific research concerns the development of a software interface between the hardware that generates the random numbers and the users. This research supports the NIST mission goal of developing tools for secure networking by providing the requisite software to enable users to request random numbers...
Head shot of Zachary Parrott in front of a white background.

Zachary Parrott

Graduate Student
Advanced Microwave Photonics Group
Project Description The Advanced Microwave Photonics Group 686.05 perform experiments that realize novel ways to design and fabricate superconducting quantum bits, specifically in the field of quantum computing and associated quantum information subtopics. This project is to research tasks in superconducting quantum information, including cleanroom fabrication, machine design, measurement, programming, and theoretical analysis. This supports NIST's mission in develping quantum information systems. Research Interests I am interested in the development...
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John Richard Pitten

Graduate Student
Quantum Electronics Group
Project Description Improve the accuracy of superconducting microwave resonators and qubits, paving the way for higher device performance. As well as experimental implementation of cryogenic microwave calibration techniques, the extension of Pound-Drever-Hall lock-in measurements for millikelvin dielectric loss characterization, and support interlaboratory comparison of superconducting qubits.
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Marco Pomponio

Graduate Student
Time and Frequency Metrology Group
Project Description Primary objective for this project will be Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) programming and analog circuit design and layout. This work will support several projects, including the portable Yb lattice clock, digital phase noise measurement system, digital time scale, and low phase noise x-band sources.
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Maximilian Protte

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description THe researcher is developing single-photon cameras operating in the mid-infrared spectrum for future NASA missions involving exoplanet spectroscopy. The objective of the project is to develop micro and nanofabrication techniques integrating superconducting devices such as superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) and Josephson junctions (JJs) with semiconductor CMOS technologies to read out small arrays of SNSPDs.
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Améya Ramadurgakar

Graduate Student
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Jorge Ramirez Ortiz sitting in an office or classroom.

Jorge Ramirez Ortiz

Graduate Student
Superconductive Electronics Group
Project Description Design and experimentally demonstrate qubit control using single flux quantum superconductor circuits. Research Interests qubit characterization & manipulation, superconducting microwave cavity physics, and circuit QED
Dileep Reddy in front of a dark purple background.

Dileep Reddy

Senior Research Fellow
Faint Photonics Group
Project Description This project will develop integrated quantum photonics devices including chipscale quantum optical devices and advanced quantum optical measurements. Research Interests Temporal Modes for optical quantum information, Integrated nonlinear optics (tuning and frequency conversion), superconducting single-photon detectors Selected Publications “Development of superconducting single-photon and photon-number resolving detectors for quantum applications,” A. E. Lita, Dileep V. Reddy, V. B. Verma, R. P. Mirin, and S. W. Nam, J. Lightwave Technol...
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Peter Riley

Graduate Student
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description Experimental research program to develop integrated atomic and nanophotonic devices based on microfabricated vapor cells to enable strong light matter interactions, which will be performed in the atomic devices and instrumentation group. The development of integrated atomic vapor-nanophotonic systems supports NIST objectives of optical frequency metrology and quantum sensing. Research Interests Fabricating MEMS vapor cells for miniaturized optical atomic clocks and investigating strong light-matter interactions through integrated vapor...
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Zeus Efrain Ruiz Gutierrez

Sources and Detectors Group
Research Interests Radiometry, Optical Fibers, Metrology
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Abhi Saxena

Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description Key responsibilities are design, fabrication, and measurement of all individual components of transmitter circuits as well as the complete, integrated transmitter circuit.
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Benjamin Scheck

Undergraduate Student
Superconductive Electronics Group
Project Description Researcher performs laboratory test and measurement duties. Duties include performing current/voltage measurements on superconducting integrated circuits and performing measurements at cryogenic temperatures using liquid cryogen. Researcher works to maintain and improve laboratory test equipment and have design opportunities for testing setup. Research Interests Quantum Electronics, Engineering, and Computation
Noah Schlossberger Headshot

Noah Schlossberger

Postdoctoral Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Research Interests Atomic physics, optics, RF technology, signal processing, biomedical technology
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Jelena Senic

Radio Access and Propagation Metrology Group
Project Description This ongoing project seeks to develop channel models for next-generation commercial radio communication systems to alleviate spectrum shortages and provide higher data transmission rates. An appointment is requested to assist in the assembly of millimeter-wave channel sounders at 28 GHz and 60 GHz and in the subsequent collection of channel measurement with the sounders.
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Akshay Seshadri

Graduate Student
Computing and Communications Theory Group
Project Description Develop the theory and implementation of valid and tight confidence intervals for quantum measurements. Specific applications involve tomographic measurements, fidelity tests and verification of entanglement.
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Dangka Shylla

Postdoctoral Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Project Description Fellows key responsibilities include developing theoretical models of atomic systems and atomic sensors, designing and perform experiments and compare experimental results to theoretical models, keeping a well-maintained log of experimental activities and disseminating research through peer-reviewed journals, conferences, and other presentations.
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Paul Slayback

Graduate Student
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The researcher is developing compact quantum-based electrical standards with high accuracy. The work entails designing and testing photonically integrated wavelength references, investigating performance of devices by carrying out sensitivity and accuracy measurements, writing up scientific manuscripts for publication, preparing presentations for conferences and giving those presentations and following all NIST safety, security and IT directives.
Marlou Slot Headshot

Marlou Slot

Senior Research Fellow
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Selected Publications M.R. Slot & Y. Maximenko et al., Science 382, 81 (2023). A Quantum Ruler for Orbital Magnetism in Moiré Quantum Matter. DOI: 10.1126/science.adf2040 EM Shih, M.R. Slot, Nature Physics 19, (2023). A good tip. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02134-z M.R. Slot & S.N. Kempkes et al., Nature Physics 15, 127 (2019). Design and characterization of electrons in a fractal geometry. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-018-0328-0 M.R. Slot & S.N. Kempkes et al., Nature Materials...
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Elizabeth Sorenson

Fatigue and Fracture Group
Projecet Description Professional Research Assistant for experimental work in MEMS and materials research. Assist with testing of MEMS switches at room temperature and cryogenic temperatures - this includes data collection, data analysis, circuit design and assembly, assisting with designing and implementing new test methods and test setups. Sample preparation, sample fabrication/assembly/packaging, and micromechanical materials testing. Learning new skills as appropriate to do the above, as the project evolves. Work independently...
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Eric Stanton

Postdoctoral Fellow
Ion Storage Group
Project Description The Atomic Devices and Instrumentation Group is working on the development of chip-scale MOTs and chip-scale atom beams for the advancement of novel quantum systems for precision measurement and spectroscopy. This work is a part of the internal NIST on a Chip, NOAC, program and supports existing experimental research efforts. Associates working on the project perform research, analyze data, record results through internal notes and external publications, and...
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Alexander Staron

Graduate Student
Atomic Devices & Instrumentation Group
Project Description The Atomic Devices and Instrumentation Group is working on the development of chip-scale MOTs and chip-scale atom beams for the advancement of novel quantum systems for precision measurement and spectroscopy. This work is a part of the internal NIST on a Chip, NOAC, program and supports existing experimental research efforts. Associates working on the project perform research, analyze data, record results through internal notes and external publications, and...
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Laurent Stephenson

Postdoctoral Fellow
Ion Storage Group
Project Description The work focuses on projects on quantum information processing using trapped atomic ions, within the Ion Storage Group of the Time and Frequency Division of NIST. The initial focus will be on implementing high-fidelity laser-free control and entangling operations in mixed-species trapped ion crystals. Work will be performed on theoretical analyses, design and implementation of experimental protocols, upgrades and maintainance of experimental hardware and software, taking and analyzing...
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Luckshitha Suriyasena Liyanage

Senior Research Fellow
Guided Wave Electromagnetics Group
Project Description Design, fabricate, and model semiconductor, microwave and mm-wave devices, and participate in the development of new mm-wave measurement techniques with applications for modern wireless communications. CV - Suriyasena Liyanage, Luckshitha
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Duncan Sutherland

Postdoctoral Fellow
Polymers Processing Group
Project Description Develop autonomous experimentation software and hardware around combinations of measurement techniques for enhanced exploration of phase diagrams for nanoscale soft materials.
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Nathan Sweet

Fiber Sources and Applications Group
Project Description The associate conducts research on open-path spectroscopy using a dual-comb spectrometer. The effort seeks to develop new methods for accurate and precise measurements of greenhouse gases and other atmospheric gases related to climate change and human health. Research Interests Dual Comb Spectroscopy for measurement of greenhouse gases and air pollutants
Rajavardhan Talashila Headshot

Rajavardhan Talashila

Graduate Student
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Project Description Works closely with current NIST staff to design and build fiber-coupled Rydberg probes and phased arrays, and demonstratse the function of these devices in anechoic and hybrid chamber millimeter-wave measurements. The associate also brings the Rydberg devices outside for studies of satellite reception. Research Interests Microwaves and Optics CV
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Siva Pradyumna Tekuru

Senior Research Fellow
High-Speed Waveform Metrology Group
Project Description The associate assists with designing, building, and operating the world’s first optical network of superconducting quantum computers. Specifically, this project entails the design and construction of optical systems capable of generating quantum states of light, which are quantified with precision measurements and distributed as an entanglement resource. At the nodes of the network, novel microwave-optical transduction devices are operated in a cryogenic environment to establish the vital link...
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Iyemeh Uchendu

Senior Research Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Project Description The associate works with traceable measurement systems for wide bandwidth modulated signals, sets up and automate hybrid anechoic measurements, works with synthetic aperture techniques and making them traceable to primary standards to characterize over-the-air communications channels. The associate also uses a precision modulated signal source and signal processing to incorporate low-distortion communications signals into the setup to create a unique test environment for novel 5G and 6G systems...
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Muhammed Abdullah Unutmaz

Postdoctoral Fellow
Fiber Sources and Applications Group
Project Description This project will explore the potential for Josephson junction based neural networks to identify and process high-frequency microwave signals. Theoretical simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE) models will be developed to test the neural network functionality and compare them with current state-of-the-art signal detection and processing hardware. If the simulations are successful the networks will be experimentally fabricated and tested. Project is in support of neuromorphic computing...
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May An van de Poll

Graduate Student
Computing and Communications Theory Group
Research Interests Quantum
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Jack Wagner

Advanced Communications Research Group
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Zixuan Wang

Graduate Student
Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Research interests include quantum transduction, Surface acoustic wave, InAs quantum dot
Matthew Warren Headshot

Matthew Warren

Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Project Description The fellow is a part of the Quantum Nanophotonics Group at NIST 鶹, and works to develop advanced integrated technologies in support of the CHIPS Act. The group uniquely combines expertise in superconducting electronics, integrated photonics, and semiconductor devices. Some of the fellow's key responsibilities are, but not limited to, conducting advanced fabrication processes to realize chips that integrate superconducting electronics, integrated photonics, and semiconductor devices, developing new...
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Bill Watterson

Senior Research Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group
Project Description The associate explores state of the art radio frequency (RF) and microwave field strength measurements. The associate works with various existing and novel field probes, anechoic chambers, transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cells, vector network analyzers, power amplifiers, oscilloscopes, and other RF equipment. This work includes designing experiments, carrying out calibrations of RF equipment, performing uncertainty analysis, and automating data acquisition. The associate strengthens their experimental laboratory skills, understanding of...
Headshot of Skyler Weight outside in front of a sunset

Skyler Weight

Quantum Nanophotonics Group
Research Interests I enjoy researching lasers, photonics, and nanoelectronics. I also have interests in atmospheric sensing and clean energy.
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Malcolm White

Sources and Detectors Group
Project Description The Sources and Detectors Group 686.01 is researching the implementation of a cryogenic radiometer for optical fiber power measurements with international collaborators and will document measurements and measurement uncertainty. The project is to work on cryogenic systems, room-temperature radiometry systems, space-based radiometry systems, and THz laser power. Research Interests Low power cryogenic optical detectors, SI traceability
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Jenny Wu

Graduate Student
Ion Storage Group
Project Description The project will develop techniques for quantum logic and spectroscopy that use trapped atomic ions within the Ion Storage Group of the Time and Frequency Division of NIST. Initial focus will be on the use of an ancilla ion species to perform detection of ion qubits, without affecting the states of the qubit ions. The work will include lasers and optics, high-vacuum systems, RF-electronics, and advanced computer-control technology...
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Tsung-Han Wu

Postdoctoral Fellow
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Project Description This experimental research project is focused on developing nonlinear nanophotonics in the lithium niobate thin-film platform. This involves the design and fabrication (in the NIST 鶹 nano fab) of novel waveguides for on-chip optical frequency combs, broad bandwidth spectral generation, and quantum light generation. The work aligns with NIST mission objectives to develop the chip-scale materials, techniques, and devices for quantum-based metrology aimed at moving precision metrology out...
Nadia Yoza-Mitsuishi in front of trees with fall yellow leaves.

Nadia Yoza-Mitsuishi

Postdoctoral Fellow
Shared Spectrum Metrology Group
Project Description Mainly supports the measurement work of wireless coexistence systems. Research Interests Wireless Communications, Spectrum Sharing, Radiopropagation, Software-Defined Radio
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Jizhao Zang

Postdoctoral Fellow
Optical Frequency Measurements Group
Project Description This project involves fundamental research on microresonator frequency combs. We will design, fabricate, and test novel nonlinear states of lasers in integrated photonics that enhance our fundamental understanding of light-matter interactions. Research Interests Microresonators